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Stephen C.
Stephen C.

Uploading to internet  en

Autor: Stephen C.
Visited 1379, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

When using the inbuilt 'Upload to Internet' facility (rather than an external FTP client), WebPageX5 always upoads EVERYTHING again, even though I have the box ticked to just upload updated pages, and I have only made one small change to a single page.  A waste of time and bandwidth, but why is it doing this?

Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

To be sure that all pages work correctly all links also in the background that are there to the page you have changed will also be uploaded. Don't worry there is more going then it looks on the surface.
Trust X5

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Posted on the from Andre E
Stephen C.
Stephen C.

OK - will do!

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Posted on the from Stephen C.
Stephen C.
Stephen C.

..actually I'm not sure this is really correct.  X5 persists in uploading all the PDF documents which are referenced although they have not changed

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Posted on the from Stephen C.
Andre E
Andre E

For pdf's if linked it will upload because it is related, also file's like pdf.

If there are many or if they are big, upload them seperatly and use a link to the (already) uploaded pdf in your project. This way you save a lot of time.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Stephen C.
Stephen C.

Yes Andre, I have been doing that with the larger files in order to avoid unnecessary uploading.  It is very neat to have the inbuilt uploading facility, by I generally tend to FTP any changed files using FileZilla - it's quicker.

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Posted on the from Stephen C.