Some banks do not take letters and as a variable symbol (this is a big problem) 
Autor: Stanislav B.
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I need to set the program so that x5cart.js is: 'order_no_format': '[yy] [mm] [dd] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]', the default setting is: 'order_no_format': '[yy] [mm] [dd] - [A-Z] [A-Z] [0-9] [0-9]' I can set it manually after exporting the pages, but after restarting the program it is always at the original value. Is there a better solution, please? Editing x5cart.js every time I change the content of a page is bad some banks do not take letters and as a variable symbol (this is a big problem) (sometimes I forget and it's a problem).
Thank you
Posted on the
try the language settings to change the format.
It's just a thought, i have not tryed to chaange it myself, just hope it helps.....
you can also set full day's months and day's these are in text and are arrays, so you can change it to 1,2,3, ....12
Just test to get it the way you want.
The language setting has no effect
I need to set the program so that the order does not contain letters and (-) just numbers
it's strange that order nr is not accepted with letters, but i don't know a sulotion for that.
Maybe someone else?
Hello Stan ,
here a perpetual solution to help you (working with Website X5 Pro v16.2.1)
you can create an order number composed by 5 digits adding this code in the HEAD section of the whole website (step 1 | Advanced Settings | >Statistics & SEO Code, Head section)
<script type="text/javascript">
x5engine.boot.push(function () {
"order_no_format": "AFS-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
}, false, "last");
Actually it is so composed:
Year, Month, Day, Random Letter, Random Number, Random Letter, Random number
If you want to have another format change the [0-9] fields with what you want to display
Hope this helps!
Here our result is:
Take care.
By default into the database the length of the order number is 16 characters maximum.
Enjoy !
Works with X5 Pro v2020.2.7 too
IMPORTANT, Put the code here
And the result will be :
Enjoy !
It works properly thank you, thank you :)