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Mariana B.
Mariana B.

How to create a page path with link  en

Autor: Mariana B.
Visited 1822, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  


Please tell me how can I create a page path with link for every page, that can help users to go to the previsious page or to home page.

Thank you

Posted on the
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Mariana, to the best of my knowledge you cannot I am sorry (unless someone here can provide code to enable such a feature), although the back button on the browser will take you to the previous page and of course the menu will return the user to the home page or any other specific page.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Pavel M.
Pavel M.


Make a simple text object like "Home-> Page-> My Page" at the top of each inner page and link to all the listed pages. To make the color of the links differ from the one selected in the template, you can insert this with html code.

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Posted on the from Pavel M.
Andre E
Andre E
Najlepszy Użytkownik miesiąca EN


Yes you can, at least for a big part.

But you need to use a level instead of a page.

So make the page hidden, create a level and set in  the properties of this level a link to the hidden page.

This way you can skip back, further back and home you need the menu but that will always be visible.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Mariana B.
Mariana B.

I thought that is something easier, because I have more than 1000 pages.

I have tried as you said and I have two problems:

-  I want this text-link to be before the title not after

- I have many links on the website and I want that some of my link to have a different color, not the same color on the entire website.

How can I do this?

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Posted on the from Mariana B.
Mariana B.
Mariana B.

I did it. I have created butons because I coudn t use the color of the link to my entire page and for Page title I have created a title and make invisible from templates.

If there is an easier solutions I am waiting for it.

Thank you

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Posted on the from Mariana B.
Andre E
Andre E
Najlepszy Użytkownik miesiąca EN

Hello Mariana,

That is alo a lot of work and you need to keep track manualy if something changes.

There is no standard option for this in x5, maybe someone knows some coding but besides the tips you already got i don't know.

Maybe the best is an IDEA post, i have seen on many other sites that they have links on the page path, i think it's a very good idea to have in x5. But i understand that it's not a solution for know.

Small other tip try to keep the not occupied spaces on your page's in x5 less as possible. or better none, these can have a negative impact on speed and performance.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Mariana B.
Mariana B.

Thank you

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Posted on the from Mariana B.
John S.
John S.

Hello Mariana

I have made a post on this thread ;

It should maybe have been on this post instead.

You can specify the color and the background for the breadcrumb/link. And you can ( by using code) move the breadcrumb to another place the header or the footer or maybe both.

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Posted on the from John S.
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 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
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Mariana B.
... ...  If there is an easier solutions I am waiting for it. ... ...

... EXTRA + jQuery ...

... LINK ...?...


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