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Sergii Bengus
Sergii Bengus

Problem when trying to buy any Incomedia product  en

Autor: Sergii Bengus
Visited 670, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  
Tagi: shop


when trying to buy (Buy Now button) I have page unavailable, timeout exceeded. This is not a computer problem, I tried it from different ones, including the phone. The page opens through European proxies, but the price changes, and the bank has questions with currency conversion and others ...

Summary: purchase is not possible.

Is there any solution?


ps Anyone in the world will be able to see the problem if, for example, they try to buy through a Ukrainian proxy - there is no connection. Payment page unavailable.

Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

I have no ukranian proxy, but from here it works without problem, so the server from Incomedia works fine.

Check your internet/ maybe firewall or virus scanner?

Try to buy it using your phone and telephone connection (no wifi)

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Posted on the from Andre E
Sergii Bengus
Sergii Bengus

You are from another country. In the text I wrote that this DEVICE-independent problem concerns access from Ukraine. And the "free proxy list" contains Ukrainian ones too, it is not necessary to "have" it, just the address is entered in the browser connection properties and the confirmation of my question appears by itself. In this way you are connected from Ukraine. The download starts but nothing happens. Currently, minus one country in the shop.

Andre, thanks for trying to help.

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Posted on the from Sergii Bengus
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Здравствуйте. Я живу в Украине. Только-что попробовал купить программу. Всё нормально. Страница с оформлением заказа отобразилась.

Пробовал с Mozilla Firefox и с Google Chrome. Без VPN, без прокси.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
Sergii Bengus
Sergii Bengus

The problem has cleared up. ISP Triolan explained that Kaspersky Lab also uses Incapsula Inc. protection, as does Thus, they have the same IP. Access to Kaspersky Lab in Ukraine is prohibited. Therefore, the transition by the Buy button is blocked. I'm sorry.

Thank you all for trying to help. The topic can be closed.
The decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated April 28, 2017 "On the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)" par.272

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Posted on the from Sergii Bengus
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Рад, что Ваша проблема решена.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.