Autor: Gorg ..
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I also urgently need a solution for the gallery that each picture below have text / product keys!? It's an emergency, I have to solve it for the client immediately !!
Thanks !!!
Posted on the
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this! I I'm waiting for your help!!!
Hi Gorg,
Can you explainmore clearlyyour question?
maybeattachscreenshotsor thelink of the siteso that we understandbetter.
Hi Riccardo, I caught the photo gallery as it should be, means thatunder the image is a product code (text) and a click on the enlarged images (showbox)
That's all, but in our program, I failed to do this, so I need advice how to solve this problem quickly, whether it has an external program or ....???
Thanks !!!
Hi Gorg,
you can insert a Gallery and set "Thumbnails per frame" so you can insert the image with description. Whan you click on image the Showbox with the description will open.
I know this,
but I need to see the text below thumbnails(before clicking the mouse and display showbox) - as in the picture I set above !!
The visitor needs to see product code in the gallery below pictures before click for larger view!? Do you now understand what I need for this ? Waiting for reply
All the best !
Hi Gorg,
if you want you can create an image and text under, use or the image object and text object or use only the text object and insert the image there. With this method you need to insert the image manually and create the page.
With the object Gallery is not possible.
Is it possible to find such a gallery in the next update - it would be useful for on-line catalog, or as a new widget (which does not have any at all)!?
I think it would be useful as an improvement of our programs, and other customers for their projects!
Do you have any suggestions for external program I use for this kind of gallery?
Thank you in advance once again!
Hi Gorg,
you can write a new post in the "Idea" section so we can valutate for the next updates.
Oh, I write this as idea, but I think it wouldnt be so soon !
We expect the new widgets, or instructions for creating them for so long .... no new slider, no banner rotator ... My intention is not to criticize, but I wonder, when will thes improvements ?
I really think that this option is missing a lot, creating on-line catalog - because if its be done in text object as you sugest, for catalog of 300 products--- it will take forever......!
Sure, thanks for your time,
all the best !
Hi Gorg,
allideas will beevaluatedfor futureupdates.Nowyou can useforthe solutions listedabove.