My homepage has three url 
Autor: Patrik Baláž
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My homepage has three URL: and I would like the url to be just one: is can it be set?
Posted on the
Patrik, I do not understand your request, if I enter or or I get the same website ( This seems perfect to me.
All of them are displaying (because you have an object on the homepage requiring php, if you did not the home page would be
Please advise what you don't like and why?
This creates duplicate pages. Do you think this is not a problem?
This can be solved with canonical tags as in this case it is the same page. To do this, enter the following in the properties of the index page in the Advanced tab in the area <after the HEAD tag>: <link rel = "canonical" href = "" />
<link rel="canonical" href="">I added a long time ago, but I can't place the canonical higher. You can see it in the source code. I guess that's exactly the problem I probably won't solve. Thanks for your time. Or do you still know about the solution?
You can also put it "after the <head> tag", then it will be almost at the top.
It doesn't matter where the entry is, it has to be correct to be taken into account. A URL is wrong, so the way you did it earlier (<link rel = "canonical" href = "">) is wrong, because the tag refers to pages. Correct is therefore <link rel = "canonical" href = "" />, whereby it must be complete. On your page now it says <link rel = "canonical" href = "">, "/" is missing at the end.
but after clicking on it is not redirected automatically via canonical.
Canonical tags do not ensure forwarding, but rather identify duplicate page content so that it is not indexed multiple times by the search engines. If you have the same or similar content at different URLs, you can use canonical tags to indicate which version is the major version and should therefore be indexed.
Thank you. I'll see how the google index behaves. As for SEO, I have another problem in the source code: <a id="imGoToCont"> Seotesteronline states: Links cannot be indexed. Do you know how to solve it? (I write via translator, I'm from Slovakia)
This code is an anchor on this page. it is not a link that can be indexed. you can read more here: i think this is a problem with seocheckers and nothing needs to be done.