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Donald A.
Donald A.

I cannot play videos on my pages.  en

Autor: Donald A.
Visited 755, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I have tried several different types of video to play on a page. I either get install media plug in or this page does not support  this video. I have tried mpeg, avi, utube and many others that are standard sorts of videos. If I cannot get this to work I would like a refund please

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Donald, I can mark your post for attention by Incomedia if you wish to pursue a refund, but WX5 does support video, it just does not play the videos in the preview browser. The video will (should) display when online.

To test this locally, in step 5 there is an option to export the website. Select a suitable destination, click start and when complete navigate to that folder with Windows File Explorer and double click on the index file. This should open your website in your default browser, you can now see your video.

Please advise if you still wish to request a refund.

(in the pro version there is an option to directly open your website in your preferred browser to test in such circumstances)

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Donald A.
Donald A.

After much experimitation I found converting video to MP4 does the trick and works if I export it. It does not work with other formats such as mpeg, avi, wmv. Thankyou for your help.

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Posted on the from Donald A.