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X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Openweather map  en

Autor: X5 Croatia
Visited 1150, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

A small note; it is impossible to change the name of the day of the week through the widget... You do not need to answer with sub-questions, the widget does not change the name of the day of the week when we change the data to the txt database... Please fix it...

Posted on the
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Ich habe das OpenWeather-Objekt mal testweise bei WebSite X5 installiert, am Anfang hat es auch funtioniert und die Wochentage in deutsch angezeigt, dann habe ich testweise mal unter ...

1 > Allgemeine Information

... die "Sprache der Website auf "EN - Englisch" eingestellt und die Wochentage waren in englisch, aber danach kam WebSite X5 durcheinander, zeigte das Wetter nicht mehr an, konnte die Vorschau nicht öffnen, brauchte lange zum Speichern.

Auch ein Neustart des Computer ändert nichts daran, erst als ich das OpenWeather-Objekt deinstalliert habe, funktionierte WebSite X5 wieder einwandfrei, so wie vorher ohne das OpenWeather-Objekt.

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

EN please...

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Posted on the from X5 Croatia
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Google >> weather widget for website

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

My first post in english:

I installed the OpenWeather object on WebSite X5 as a test, at first it worked and displayed the days of the week in German, then I set the language of the website to "EN - English" under "1 > General information" and the days of the week were in English.

But then WebSite X5 got messed up, stopped showing the weather, couldn't open the preview, took a long time to save.

Even restarting the computer doesn't change anything, only after I uninstalled the OpenWeather object did WebSite X5 work properly again, as before without the OpenWeather object.

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

I like the Incomedia weather widget in X5 so i hope that they will fix it... The name of the days and weeks unable to change...

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Posted on the from X5 Croatia
Stefano G.

Hello Croatia

I apologize but I am not sure I understand what you mean when you say "Change the name of days".

You can configure the Object to look like this:

It can display days up to 4 days later than the current one, but you cannot decide a specific day to show. Is that what you needed?

I remain available here


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Name of the days is unable to change, only letters to change, for example 3 letters for days (MON, TUE, WED...)

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Posted on the from X5 Croatia
Stefano G.

Hello Croatia

perhaps I'm still not getting it but I do not believe it was ever possible to change the day's names. They are written directly by the service the PluginApp relies on and there is no way for you to intervene on it when you use the Object on your website

Did you mean to open this topic as an Idea topic? I don't believe this is a bug since this option was never there to being with

I remain available here


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Posted on the from Stefano G.