Autor: Jan R.
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Hello. Today I made a new upgrade to WebSite X5 Evo. However, the program is not working well. When creating web pages the program freezes all the time. There is nothing else to do but restart the whole computer. I have done the reboot five times, but the situation is still the same. When I open the program it works, but if I want to add anything, everything freezes again. Must be a bug in your upgrade. How to make a remedy to make everything work? Regards Jan.
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Mostly it is the computer and the installed programs, cloud drives, etc. that cause problems after the update.
Here are tips in German, let Google translate the text.
>> https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/pl/post/254280
uno dei motivi che causa i crash è la presenza di troppe celle vuote , o addirittura intere righe e colonne...
se è il tuo caso... riempi TUTTE le celle vuote con oggetti anche vuoti ed elimina le righe e le colonne vuote...
Then I don't understand why your colleague from Incomedia has a lot of empty lines in her explanatory video.
Empty grids don't cause problems on all computers, only if they cause problems then you have to fill the empty grids.
Jan, your problem is almost certainly empty cells on pages as stated by Claudio. Please place an object in every single or group of empty cells (I use text), there is no need for content.
Yes, thank you for the advice. Problem solved. You need to fill all the free windows. Previously this problem was not present, it only became apparent after the last update.
Bene !
come avevo detto...
eh si @Daniel, non capita a tutti , ma a qualcuno molto più che ad altri...
@Siegbert, io, per principio, riempio SEMPRE TUTTE le celle... mai avuto problemi...