Problems connecting DNS 
Autor: Paul M.
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I still will be paying yearly for the domain registration but want the hosting done from the package I have with you. I have contacted them and this is what they say “Ask them for the name server or IP address so that you can point your domain to them, once you have it you can contact us back and we will guide you how to add it on your domain”.
I seem to have partly been able to set things up but still coming up with issues and says it’s your end that appears to be the issue. I have spent a long time trying to set things up with and they say all you should need is the picture attached and to tell you they do support A records.
Posted on the
Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
It can take up to 72 hours after you change your domain settings.
Hi Paul!
You first need to configure the following records on
These records are missing on First configure them there and then you can configure them on the WebSite X5 Hosting.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hello Elisa,
This is what have come back with "You need the Types of DNS records, and their exact values in it (Hostname, TTL, pointed to, priority etc..)"
Best Regards,
Hello Elissa,
Can I can the hosting name to as only gives me the choice of and but want the name as it was previously., but dosent give me the option to change the domain only other host, but am hosting with you?
Best Regards,
Hi Paul,
what I think means is that you need to set up those exact DNS: first you need to set them up on, and only afterward you will be able to configure them within the WebSite X5 Hosting.
An easier way would be to directly transfer the domain to Incomedia, but since we unfortunately don't support domains, it isn't possible to do this in this case, I am sorry about that.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hello Elissa,
But are saying they can't set them up on their site until they have "the Types of DNS records, and their exact values in it (Hostname, TTL, pointed to, priority etc..)", which i stated before.
So are you saying I cannot continue running my website with this hosting package I bought from you, as i have been for years?
How do I also upload my files to the automated domain as comes up with the message in the screenshot and won't allow me to do anything?
Best Regards,
Hi Paul,
in the control panel you have multiple possibillities to create a domain redirection. The easiest way is to use the redirection tab which will create the required DNS settings for you. But it is not possible to enter an IP here, only domain names are allowed. The same for web forward and web alias settings, displayed under your Personal DNS settings. They need an url not an IP. In your case for a working redirection, you need only three DNS entries. A 600 A 600 MX 600 10
That will redirect all external web traffic to the IP In my opinion you can leave all X5 settings to their default Incomedia hosting values, because you don't have a hosting packet for and only the external traffic needs to be forwarded.
Hi Paul,
I missed your screenshot above my former post. You have the domain name which is already linked with an DNS entry on Incomedia server. I would make a test and use this host name in the redirection tab of your cambridge... domain. This approach is better, because IP numbers could changed sometimes, why domain names not. It seems that the MX is required too, which needs to set manual afterwards.
To be honest I am really wondering, why a 2nd. domain layer is required to publish the website with X5. For testing purposes it makes sense to use before going live.
Hi Paul,
I forgot to mention, that under the redirection tab is a checkbox to replace the source domain name with the forwarded one e.g. paul-marshall... will be shown as cambridge... in the browser address line.