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Kathy C.
Kathy C.

Domain transfer to Incomedia  en

Autor: Kathy C.
Visited 1094, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I am trying to transfer my website domain to Incomedia and have contacted my current host provider. They tell me I need the Registrar TAG/IPS Tag to do input into my current providers Client area page. 

I started this process in March but due to work comitments I've not been able to progress this until now. 

Stefano gave me intructions back in March but no mention of a TAG - is my currrent provider correct in asking me to obtain it from Incomedia?

Thank you

Posted on the
Kathy C.
Kathy C.

Thank you Daniel. Stefano aleady gave me the link on transferring my domain.

My question is about the TAG: my current provider told me I need the Registrar TAG/IPS Tag to do input into my current providers Client area page to proceed with the transfer.

Is this corrrect? Perhaps someone from Incomedia can give me the answer. My current provider did not mention the AUTH-Code. 

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Posted on the from Kathy C.
Stefano G.

Hello Kathy

If you're trying to move your domain from them to us, all you should need from them is the Auth-Code.

This is all that is needed during our configuration-wizard to successfully move the domain.

They should be providing you with the Auth-Code to move the domain to us, not the other way around

I remain available here


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Kathy C.
Kathy C.

Hi Stefano

Thank you! And that's what I thought ! so I will email to tell them.

Hopefully I will get my website transferred soon!

best wishes


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Posted on the from Kathy C.
Kathy C.
Kathy C.

Hi Stefano

I emailed my current host (TsoHost) to tell them that Incomedia do require the AUTH-Code

This is the reply they sent me:

The AUTH-code is only required for any domains.
What we can do is change the IPS tag to the one of the new registrar in order for the transfer to be initiated.
Thus, I would kindly ask you to provide us with the IPS tag and we will update it for you.

I emailed them again to tell them my website is a UK domain but my new host is not UK based.

This is their reply:

No worries the origin or server location of the other registrar makes no difference for your domain, so no worries there. Kindly let us know the IPS tag for the transfer.

It appears that they won't initiate the transfer without the IPS tag. 

Can you help me out, please?

kind regards


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Posted on the from Kathy C.
Kathy C.
Kathy C.

Hi Stefano

I have just spoken to NOMINET UK which is the Registry for UK domain names and they  told me that the AUTH Code/EPP is for non UK domains and in order to transfer my domain to Incomedia hosting service, you should be able to give me the IPS tag in order that my current host provider can make the transfer.

I look forward to hearing from you.

kind regards,


Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Kathy C.
Stefano G.

Hello Kathy

I've investigated this further with the development team and I was informed at at the moment, our system just doesn't support IPS tag redirection.

Unfortunately, all domains which require this specific method to link won't be linkable to our hosting spaces, I'm really sorry about this

This seems true for UK domains but should be fine for most others. I'm really sorry about the trouble this may cause

I remain available here 


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Kathy C.
Kathy C.

Thank you for the response, Stefano

I just wish I had know this before I bought the web host space - such a waste of money.

As I have not activated my web space I will now have to find another hosting company - at additional cost.

Hopefully you will explain in your guidance to warn WebSite X5 users with UK domains not to bother trying to transfer their website to Incomedia.

Kathy Crilley

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Posted on the from Kathy C.
Stefano G.

Hello Kathy

Thank you for your feedback, I understand that this is troublesome.

When purchasing or registering a domain with us, you get presented with the guided procedure that helps you get this done, and the first step of this procedure asks you to indicate the domain extension to use.

Since there are a lot of extensions out there, it is not possible for us to indicate all that cannot be used, so instead one can determine whether we support it or not by checking if it's available in the list

I will inform our team so that this information may somehow be made even more visible

I remain available here


Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Stefano G.
Kathy C.
Kathy C.

Thank you Stefano

I do not recall seeng any such guidance! If I had, I would surely have checked and not gone ahead with purchasing web space for my website.

hopefully you will make this information more visible to users.


Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Kathy C.
Gill D.
Gill D.

i am now stuck with the same issue, can i get a refund ? so i can buy a raspberry pi and set up my own server ?

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Posted on the from Gill D.