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David S.
David S.

Upload problems using External Hosting.  en

Autor: David S.
Visited 1109, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I'm using to host my website because your hosting doesn't support Office 365.

This has worked fine up to a few days ago when trying to upload updates to my site, I am getting an error message as below. I have been in touch with's helpdesk and worked through the settings to change passwords, and entered the new passwords into the x5 system, but the same error occurs.

So at the moment I am unable to upload important updates to our website. Hopefully one of the clever people out there will be able to help.

Posted on the
John S.
John S.

To decide if it is a issue or a X5 issue, then try to use a FTP-tool like FileZilla.

If you can connect via FileZilla then probably the issue is in X5.

If you cannot connect via FileZilla then probably the issue is at

If you have the FileZilla to function, then you can as a work-around use FileZilla to upload your site to the internet.

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Posted on the from John S.
David S.
David S.

Thanks John. I'm not sure what you mean by FileZilla, I'm not an expert by any means. But I'll look into it to see if I can give it a try. Thanks again. Appreciated.

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Posted on the from David S.
John S.
John S.

FileZilla is one of the best free programs for FTP.

Its function is to upload or download files from the internet. No  more than that. There is good alternatives (free or to-pay-for) but FileZilla is the most used.

In X5 is a built-in FTP for file down/upload by File Zilla is more advanced. Even when you have the X5-upload to function again, you should keep the extra FTP program. It is very handy.

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

The official site is here:

You should use the FileZilla client.

*** Beware: FileZilla is so well-known that there are sites that offers downloads BUT some of these has versions with malware. Use the official site for download.

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Posted on the from John S.
David S.
David S.

Thank you so much for the advice John. I tried the uplink with Filezilla, and at first it didn't work and would not connect. I had to go away for a week. On my return, I reset all my passwords and tried again. This time success! I reset the parameters to the same on the WebsiteX5 upload settings, and, thank goodness it worked. I'm still not sure if it something that was reset by whilst I was away (they had said they were looking into it) or some other wizardry! At least it worked! Thanks again. Dave. 

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Posted on the from David S.
John S.
John S.

Hello Dave

Good you had it to functionsmile

Thank you for taking your time to give a status and tell how it was solved. It might help others in the same situation.

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Posted on the from John S.