Sender gmail addresses in forms not being received 
Autor: D FeatherstoneThere has been a problem since Tuesday 27th February where a sender using a gmail address receives their copy of the form they completed, but their form does not come through to me. To my knowledge, this is only happening with gmail email senders. I had a similar problem a few weeks ago, and my hosting providers activated DKIM and DMARC which resolved the issue. I have been back in touch with them as the old problem has resurfaced, and they have replied as follows:
"I am writing to confirm that after thorough investigation, we have determined that there are no server-related issues that could be triggering the problem with your contact form on our end.
Given this outcome, it is recommended that you reach out to the support team at Website X5, the platform responsible for managing your contact form. Perhaps there is a settings on your contact form that will not allow you to received any email from gmail account."
I have a gmail account myself, so have tested numerous forms on my website using my gmail email as Sender email (User email is set up as a domain email) and all but two of the forms fail to reach my domain email.
This problem does not arise for any Sender's emails other than gmail. Unfortunately, a high percentage of my clients use gmail email.
There are 3 domains affected: and
Examples of forms affected: and
Thank you
Debbie Featherstone
Here in my demo shop I have a contact form on this page, see
>> (scroll all the way down)
Write a test message here with a Gmail address.
If the message reaches me with a Gmail address, then it's probably not a problem with WebSiteX5.
Thank you Daniel. I have sent a test email
This email reached me.
Name: Debbie
Email Address: debbie.......... @
Your request:
Your Message: test gmail address as per suggestion from Daniel in WebsiteX5 Help
Thank you Daniel. I don't see how the problem can be anything to do with the X5 software. However, I need it to be ruled out definitively so I can go back to the hosting providers and make them look further in to it. It really is a nightmare at the moment with all this, as so many of my clients are using gmail. I'm going to have to spend hours putting messages on the individual forms asking those using gmail to forward their copy to me. It looks so unprofessional!
The Incomedia employees will probably not be online again until Monday.
Mon - Fri 8:30AM-1:00PM 2:00PM-5:30PM (CET/CEST)
the software, depending on the settings used, prepares the data necessary to generate the e-mails sent through orders and contact forms, but ultimately the sending procedure is managed by the mail server.
If a setting was not configured properly, the more usual situation would be that no mail is sent from the contact form at all, rather than only the e-mails towards a specific provider.
From what I've gathered, you are using an e-mail address with the same domain in the Sender e-mail field for the confirmation e-mail of the contact form?
Thank you for your reply Eric. I will return to my hosting providers. As I suspected, were the issue due to the X5 software, why would it pick on gmail only??? Their suggestion "Perhaps there is a settings on your contact form that will not allow you to received any email from gmail account" sounds like a "king and no clothers" scenario to me - tantamount to gaslighting! I'm disappointed in them, as I have been with them for many years and they have always been so helpful before.
Should anyone else experience a similar server issue regarding forms, I have found an alternative that works for me: I did look at (suggested in another thread by Daniel I think) but that would work out very expensive for me as I use so many "forms" in my websites. I set up 3 in yesterday and they work as they should - including with gmail email - and even the free version allows the building and use of an unlimited number of forms.
Thank you again for your reply and thank you to Daniel who helped over the weekend.