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Ron E.
Ron E.

Link Within A Page  en

Autor: Ron E.
Visited 5229, Followers 3, Udostępniony 54  

how do i put a link from one part of a page to some where else on the same page. e.g when reading within a page you want to go to the top of the page.  Or to link to another part of a sepearte page.

Posted on the
Samantha M.

Hi Ron!Smile

I will try to explain it to you, let's take for example our website:

as you will see, if you click on ''read more'' [1] beneath the small paragraph entitled ''STEP 1 - Choose a template'' - you will go directly to the page section where the information regarding STEP 1 has been added, and if you click on ''page start'' [2] at the bottom of this last section, you will go back to the beginning.

To create this ''movement'' on your webpage you need to proceed as follows:

- Add a text object beneath the small paragraph entitled ''STEP 1 - Choose a template''[1]; add in the object the following anchor: <A NAME="step_1">&nbsp;</A> and click on the ''enable HTML code option''.

In this anchor,you will find ''step_1'' (<A NAME="step_1">&nbsp;</A>). This is the name you give to it, which you can change as you please, the rest has to stay the same.

-Once this has been added, please go to the other part of the page where you want to add the link, ours will be ''page start''[2]. Here you need to add a link, using any object you want (image/text).

Let's add the text object for example, we will type in ''page start'', highlight it and open the ''Insert link'' option. Select ''File or URL'' and add in the - Internet file - field, a ''#''+the name you have given to your anchor. Ours for example is ''#step_1''.

Now test the page by selecting preview!

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Posted on the from Samantha M.
Ron E.
Ron E.


Still having problems.

I have inserted the code as expalined. The link still does not work

see  under menu item 'other info/rules.

I have inserted the code  "#3" on section 3 MEETINGS OF THE CENTRE BOARD, then the following code <a name="step_1">3</a> in the document where I want the page to jump to (MEETINGS OF THE CENTRE BOARD). 

If you open up the page source on line 134 the details entered are 

<a href=""#3"" class="imCssLink">MEETINGS OF THE CENTRE BOARD</a>

and at the paragraph I want to jump to the following code is shown on page source

<a name="step_1">3</a>

I belive the ""3"" class= "imCsslink" is wrong. It has "" around the number 3 but howdo I stop the programme putting in 2 x "

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Posted on the from Ron E.
Ron E.
Ron E.

Its OK I have sorted it.

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Posted on the from Ron E.
Ron E.
Ron E.

What I did was omit the "  " marks. I have entered #3 in the File or URL field

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Posted on the from Ron E.
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva

Is it possible to define an image as an anchor? If affirmative, how to do it?

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Posted on the from Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Gorg ..
Gorg ..

Hi, I'm not in the English speaking area, so I do not understand wel how best to set an anchor?
Is it possible to tutorials - step by step, with photos, that would really facilitate work, and you will not take much time?

Thank you in advance, regards,

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Posted on the from Gorg ..