Customer do not receive the order email 
Autor: Ema GodinhoLanguage: Português/Portugal
boa tarde,
Estou a trabalhar com Evo 9.08.1831 mas na versão anterior que eu tinha o problema era igual. Não entendo o que estou a fazer de errado pois após conclusão de todo o processo de encomenda no carrinho de compras, o vendedor recebe um mail mas o cliente não. O mail do vendedor vem duas vezes no campo do destinatário do mail recebido. Podem por favor ajudar-me?
Ema Godinho
Google translate:
I am working with Evo 08/09/1831 but in previous version that I had the problem was the same. I do not understand what I'm doing wrong because after completion of the entire order process in the shopping cart, the seller receives an email but the client does not. The mail vendor comes twice in the recipient field of the mail received. Can you please help me?
Ema Godinho
Hello Ema,
Could I ask you to explain the settings you made under ecommerce cart -> customer details? maybe you can attach a screenshot of that page?
I don't understand very well "The mail vendor comes twice in the recipient field of the mail received", do you mean that the seller receives two identical mail instead of only one?
Thank you
Language: Português/Portugal
Hi Michele,
Anexo o screenshot da página dos detalhes do cliente e o screenshot do cabeçalho do mail que o vendedor recebe. Apesar de o vendedor estar duas vezes como "to" só recebe um email. Com os testes que fiz sei que o cliente não recebe o e-mail de encomenda.
Ema Godinho
Google translate
Hi Michele,
Attached thescreenshotof the pageofcustomer detailsandscreenshotof themailheaderthat the sellerreceives.Althoughthe seller istwice as"to" justget an email.With thetests I did, I knowthat the customer do not receive the order e-mail.
Best regards
Ema Godinho
Hello Ema,
I tried to test your site and I do received the email back as a customer, it was just into the spam because of the double address into the TO: field (same problem you have with the email you got as owner).
The problem is related to your hosting provider (sometimes it happens), you can try to chang the email script under preferences in step 0 and see if this solves the issue.
Please keep me updated, thank you
Language: Português/Portugal
Hi Michele,
Penso que o mail que recebeu foram forwards que fiz para que vejam como recebo os mails e não foram mails como cliente (a mensagem que o cliente recebe é diferente da que o vendedor recebe, certo?). Das várias pessoas que têm participado nos testes, nenhuma recebe o mail como cliente.
Vou seguir a sua sugestão de ver se o problema é do meu fornecedor de alojamento mas para mudar o script (não percebo muito de programação
) pode dizer-me mais sobre o que devo mudar? Fico muito agradecida pela ajuda.
Ema Godinho
Google Translate
Hi Michele,
I thinkthatemail that you received were forwards from me so you can see howI getemails andemailswere notas a customer(the messagethat customer receiveisdifferent from what theseller gets, right?).Of the severalpeople whohave participatedin the tests, nonereceives the mailas a customer.
)cantell me moreabout what I shouldchange?I am very gratefulfor the help.
I will followyour suggestion tosee ifthe problem is withmyhosting providerbut to changethe script(do notknow muchprogramming
Ema Godinho
Hi Ema,
the email that I receive from your site as a customer is exactly the email I'm supposed to receive but it was into the spam :)
Ask people whom test your site to look into their spam.
The problem is related with your hosting provider, so you can try to make other choices in step 0 (the very first page you get after launching the program) -> preferences ->email form script type: please try with every choice exporting the site every time you make a different choice.
Hope this helps
Language: Português/Portugal
Hi Michele,
Embora ninguém dos testes tenha mails no spam, segui o seu conselho e mudei o script type (nas preferences) para Low quality Server Script e agora o cliente já recebe o mail, bem como o vendedor. Muito em muito obrigada pela solução.
Ema Godinho
Google Translate
Hi Michele,
Though noneof these tests wasinspamemails, I followedyour advice andchanged thescripttype (inpreferences) toLow qualityServerScriptand nowthe customer has alreadyreceived themail, as well asthe seller.Verythanks for thesolution.
Ema Godinho