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S. Kyparissis
S. Kyparissis

Unregistered Version  en

Autor: S. Kyparissis
Visited 1984, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I registered your software on 2012-07-06 18:42:00 and i downloaded a free template from your website named Blue Light so i edited the project and i uploaded it to my hosting service everything went ok but when i tried to add some new features (pictures, froms) and tried to upload the project again i got an UNREGISTERED VERSION. Reading through your forum i found that a lot of people are having the same problem without any luck of a stable fix to this. Will this happen to future projects that i will creat or will there be a fix for future use by all the users.

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Manfred K.
Manfred K.

I have a similar problem then I had to delete the whole project and reinstall the program then recreate it from scratch everythig looked normal but now when I put a FaceBook like button and some one clicks on he Like button the Url for mi site has UNREGISTERED writen after it.

Can some one fix these problems it would be very apreciated 

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Posted on the from Manfred K.
S. Kyparissis
S. Kyparissis

What i did is uninstalled the program deleted the folder "users/AppData/Local/Incomedia" then i installed the program again from scratch the project was intact then i hit the Ctrl+Preview and the problem was solved. This has been writen before as an answer.

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Posted on the from S. Kyparissis