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Joseph B. Arioli
Joseph B. Arioli

Dose Website x5 have a Spell Checker  en

Autor: Joseph B. Arioli
Visited 2937, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  
Tagi: checker,spell

Does Website x5 evolution have a spell checker? If so, how do I access it? If not, Why not?

Posted on the

Unfortunately, there isnot, they may beexcitedto pointoutas afeature request,I'vealreadysuggestedsome time ago,as more usersexpressa desire, perhapsincreasingthe chancethatit comes in anupdate.

google translationfromGerman


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Posted on the from JJ. JUAG
Joseph B. Arioli
Joseph B. Arioli

Yes having a spell checker built into X5 would eliminate the need to create the text in MS Word and then cut and paste it into X5, making it that much more user friendly.

Also, it would be nice if X5 had more bullet, numbering and indent options.

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Posted on the from Joseph B. Arioli
Little-key .
Little-key .
Joseph B. Arioli
Does Website x5 evolution have a spell checker? If so, how do I access it? If not, Why not?

This is already long desired. But it is not easy to integrate, because different language, also because of support and maintenance.

There are other important things!!!

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Posted on the from Little-key .
Joseph B. Arioli
Joseph B. Arioli

I am new to X5 and it was just a suggestion, did mean to offend.  How about the bulleting and indent options are there additional options here that I don't know about.  So far, it appears to me that you can either indent or bullet but not both. Also, there is only one bulleting symbol and no numbering system that I have found. could you point  me in the right direction?


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Posted on the from Joseph B. Arioli
Claudio D.

Hello Joseph,

Yes you have only one type of bulleting and you cannot indent if bulleting is activated or the contrary.

Thank you very much for your suggestions. We will keep take them in consideration for the future updates of the program.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Dan B.
Dan B.

Hey, no spell check, not even a simple one?  Don't worry about offending any one Joseph.  I am new to this software also and find it a great piece of work, but not spell check?  Like they say, "nothing is perfect", but really, no spell check?  Even my note pad has a simple spell check.  Oh hum, from what I have seen so far you can do all your text work in Microsoft Word 10 and do a copy, or cut, and paste from the MS word to the text editor in X5 but guess what?  you have to then do some more editing as not all of the formating from MS Word moves over correctley.  Also the text editor will change your fonts, etc, and some spacing.  If your articles are long then you are double editing.  So, do not get too carried away with editing freatures found in MS Word because you will lose most of it and have to do a redo.  Tedious, but true, and X5 is not the only web software with this achelise (sp?) (no spell check here either?) heel.  I have been looking to change Web editor software from Ewisoft Web Builder to something like X5, for the very reason Ewisoft has this same problem with handling MS Word properly and they advertise that you have a choice of using their internal editor, with a clumsy spell check, or using MS Word if you have it installed on your computer -- seem they have interagated it somehow, but guess what?  It is not better than doing the "copy/paste" as even with this "advertised" feature it falls flat in moving the MS Word text into the HTML code with your format in tact.  Oh, Hum, still looking, but I really, really like this WebsiteX5.

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Posted on the from Dan B.