Autor: X5 Croatia
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Please hurry up with the development of a mini-CMS interface for our users ... This is really frustrating when we have to change the data designers for their users! If you want to sell and develop the program further this your business move is inevitable. Keep in mind that if you do not do this you will start wasting your application users. I personally have underneath 46 Web projects X5. Thank you for your understanding
Posted on the
No info from incomedia X5...??? Please...
i change you post in "ideas" section, Thisidea has already beenreported to beevaluated
unfortunatelyI can not tellif and whenrealized.
Thank you.
I'm verynervous aboutit ...I hope youwill listen tothe voice ofusers ...Longhas been noupdate!Why???
I totally agree with you!
we have already know these request, propose an ideadoes not mean itshould bedone and realize immediately.This request has already beenpassed toour team tobe evaluatedas otherideas.
totally agree, a CMS would be very useful
Sooo will it be in the version 10?
I hope of mini cms for my clients...
I agree with you... Mini CMS could help update website simplify, and it could be a real difference between this and earlier version.
Incomedia, because you didn't fulfill our needs with the version 10, why don't you make a special version for us (the developers) ex. Website X5 Developer. I don't care about the price but it's very important for me to have a CMS where my clients will have the opportunity to change and add new text and pictures and they will be able to write the blog post themselves...
Please consider my idea, it's crucial for me and the people like me... otherwise you will lose customers!
I agree with aleksandar P. 1000 %. PLEASE INCOMEDIA !!!