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Dmytro S.
Dmytro S.

Unregistered Version after Activation  en

Autor: Dmytro S.
Visited 6311, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

Hello! I have a problem here, once stood on the PC demo version of the program, after the image is black and white started, I bought the full version, uninstall the old program completely, put the new one, and logged into your personal account. Wanted to move the old design but the pictures when uploading to the hosting became black and white again, I completely reinstalled the program, but nothing has changed! Even when creating a new project on a clean program pictures are black and white: (( Please help, I do not know what to do! : ((((

Posted on the
Dmytro S.
Dmytro S.

Can not fully activate the software or license?
I do not know what to do already, many times to re-install and activate all seems normal internet but once you transfer an existing project or a new all exactly all the pictures are black and white and says that the version is not registered ... : (((

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Posted on the from Dmytro S.
Claudio D.

Hello Dmytro,

Uninstall the program and then delete the WebSite X5 folder in Program Files and the Incomedia Folder in C:/Users/Your Username/AppData/Local/

Once you deleted these folders go in the "Downloads" section of your profile and download the installer and run it.

Once it's installed you will find all your projects and on the ones you have the black/white pictures, once opened, press CTRL and open the Preview.

Please let me know if this works.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Dmytro S.
Dmytro S.

Good evening, dear Claudio!
Did not it, it's a little bit funny, but the problem was in the browser cache, it turns out when I downloaded dozens of times the old design with black and white photo he is registered in the cache, and now when loaded with a new licensed version, all the pictures were black and white, in fact the project was from the start a normal :))
So I advise those who have a similar problem and nothing helps, just pochitstite your browser cache and everything will be fine! :)
Thanks for the help :)

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Posted on the from Dmytro S.