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Ludek H.
Ludek H.

Scrollbar Checkbox Missing In V9  en

Autor: Ludek H.
Visited 2502, Followers 1, Udostępniony 28  
Tagi: csrollbar

New window defined by hyperlink with defined size has always scrollbars in v9. In v8 there was a checkbox named Show scrollbar, in v 9 there is none. I Need this feature!!!!

Posted on the
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Ludek,

The scrollbar of version 8 is not disponible in the version 9 because this feature is deprecated from Internet Explorer and can load only in an old browser of IE and not in an other browser. Tis is the motive because the feature is deleted in the new version.

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Posted on the from Luca S.
Ludek H.
Ludek H.

Hello, I dont thik it works that way. I manually edited the code in the javascript section of opening a new window od defined size 1024x620 with the aditional parametre ,'no','no'.

And IT WORKS even in IE 9.0.3

The bad think is that every time I edit my page I have to put the 1024,620,'no','no' parameter manualy.

Any suggestions?



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Posted on the from Ludek H.
Ludek H.
Ludek H.


Hey LucaS here i put two links where you can see the differen result. My bussiness is making virtual tours and i need to open them in a window of specified size ie. 1024 x 620.

In theis example: you click on the lowest image saying "HOTEL SVATY HUBERT" the show opens in a new window 1024x620 but I see a vertical scrollbar which is empty and overwriting part of the show. I can see it in IE9. In chrome it shows OK.

When I modify the javascript with the parameter ,'no','no' example:('',1024,620,'no','no');

the window shows OK with NO Scrollbars in IE9

In this example: on any of the 2 images on the right side of the page and You will see the window opening with the size of 1024 x 620 with NO scrollbars.

OK than can you put the option back? I definitly need it because of the anoying process of manually editing every page after I make any change to my websites.

Thanks Ludek

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Posted on the from Ludek H.
Ludek H.
Ludek H.
Luca S.
Hello Ludek, The scrollbar of version 8 is not disponible in the version 9 because this feature is deprecated from Internet Explorer and can load only in an old browser of IE and not in an other browser. Tis is the motive because the feature is deleted in the new version.


Hey LucaS here i put two links where you can see the differen result. My bussiness is making virtual tours and i need to open them in a window of specified size ie. 1024 x 620.

In theis example:

when you click on the lowest image saying "HOTEL SVATY HUBERT" the show opens in a new window 1024x620 but I see a vertical scrollbar which is empty and overwriting part of the show. I can see it in IE9. In chrome it shows OK.

When I modify the javascript with the parameter ,'no','no' example:('',1024,620,'no','no');

the window shows OK with NO Scrollbars in IE9

In this example:

cloikon any of the 2 images on the right side of the page and You will see the window opening with the size of 1024 x 620 with NO scrollbars.

OK than can you put the option back? I definitly need it because of the anoying process of manually editing every page after I make any change to my websites.

Thanks Ludek

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Posted on the from Ludek H.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Ludek,

InEvolution9scrollbarappearsonly whenthe window sizeare more bigof screen page.
This featurewas implemented toinsert thescrollbaronlyif needed.In the Evolution8you couldput thescrollbarbut the pagewas notresized. The same function of Evolution 8 is currently notavailable.

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Posted on the from Luca S.
Ludek H.
Ludek H.
Luca S.
Hello Ludek, In Evolution 9 scrollbar appears only when the window size are more big of screen page. This feature was implemented to insert the scrollbar only if needed. In the Evolution 8 you could put the scrollbar but the page was not resized. The same function of Evolution 8 is currently not available.

Hello LucaS,

 I dont think that is correct. Did you check the 2 link I have provided in my previous post? You will see that even the virtual tour window is the size of 1024x620 and the link command in javascript says to open a new window of specified size 1024x620 the scrollbar appears. OK where is the problem? Please put the scrollbar checkbox back again in next build of v9.


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Posted on the from Ludek H.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Ludek,

Unfortunately,the function ofcheckscrollbaris not presentin theWebsite X5Evolution 9becausewe have reviewedthe operationof popup.AsI said beforethe scrollbarappearswhenthe contentsof your website ismore larger than the sizeof the popup. Have you import a project file iwp with Evolution 9?

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Posted on the from Luca S.