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Oliver W.
Oliver W.

Galerie: Miniaturbilder auch in Hoch- oder Querformat  en

Autor: Oliver W.
Visited 1627, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

Die Miniaturbilder der Galerie gibt es nur Quadratisch. Hoch- oder querformatige Bilder werden entsprechend verkleinert:

Schön wäre, wenn die Hoch- oder Querformatbilder nicht skaliert würden:

Posted on the
Oliver W.
Oliver W.

Thumbnai images in the gallery are restricted to a square format and portrait and landscape images will be resized to fit the square boxes. It would be nice when the thumbnails will keep the orientation/size either landscape ore portrait (or square). See samples above

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Posted on the from Oliver W.
Claudio D.

Hello Oliver,

Thank you very much also for this suggestion. We will take it in consideration for the future releases of the program.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.