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Christer H.
Christer H.

Older web sites in upgraded Evolution 10  en

Autor: Christer H.
Visited 1028, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I have made two web sites using WSX5 Evoution 9 (of which I am very pleased), and yesterday I bought and downloaded an upgrade to Evolution 10. When I was looking for instructions how to use the upload (on Incommedia's support site) I found a question from someone who had made such an upgrade and after that seemed to have had a lot of trouble with the sites he had made earlier in Evolution 9. And that really scared me, because if that happened to me, it would mean months of work wasted and a disaster for the seminars I am engaged in next week (as one of my web sites is an essential part of it). So my question is: Should I keep Evolution 9 and let my old web sites stay there and exchange that upgrade for a full version to use for my new websites? Or can I be absolutely sure that an upgrade of Evolution 9 to Evolution 10 will not have any negative influence on my two old web sites?

Posted on the
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Christer,

If you are really concerned about this then I am sure Incomedia would let you exchange your v10 upgrade for a standalone version  -  there is not too much difference in cost anyway  -  you could then keep and use both versions.

In my opinion the import process to v10 is definitely not as scary as some on here would make out.  I have successfully converted a number of v9 sites with only minor work.  Such tweaks are often required on upgrading, irrespective of the brand or manufacturer of the software.  Search the web and you will see!

A lot of the v10 issues have simple solutions which can be rapidly cured by reading the help files or visiting the forum!  Smile

All the best,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
Jon H.
Jon H.

I have imported my EV9 website into EV10, but when I uploade the site, it only shows white. Nothing else. The preview shows everything OK, but nothing "online" ????? HEEEELP!!!!

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Posted on the from Jon H.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Jon,

What is the URL of the website in question?

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Posted on the from Paul M.