Help. Can't activate. 
Autor: George A.
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Help. Can't activate. activator writes that successfully activated, offers to start the engine and after running again opens the activator.
Posted on the
Hi, Try to open it by selecting the icon of website x5 with right botton of mouse and select "open as administrator"
Hello George,
Please uninstall all the Versions of WebSite X5 you have installed on your computer and then delete the installation folder in program files and also the Incomedia folder in C:/users/ your username /AppData/Local/
Once done donwload the latest Version of WebSite X5 from "Downloads" in your Profile and install the downloaded file as Administrator with right-click Preferences "Run as Administrator".nOnce installed, choose to start the program as Administrator with the right-click - Preferences - Run as Administrator.
If this still doesn't work it could be an issue related with the Microsoft framework .NET 3.5, in this case after having uninstalled the software and deleted the installation folder, please try to remove the .NET Framework 3.5 from your pc and then use the FX Cleanup tool you can find at:
Once the tool has cleaned the system download the Framework installer from following link and install it again:
Once the .NET Framework is installed you can proceed to reinstall WebSite X5 as administrator with right-click - run as administrator.
Please keep me updated.
nothing helps. Operating system Windows 7 X64. Tried and files all with computer delete, and under the name of the administrator run. Vseravno license does not activate. I bought a second version of the program (it was 9 put 10) Installed Microsoft framework .NET 4. Help
As can be activated manually locally without a server connection
Hello George,
To activate it without internet connection you need to follow the procedure described on following post:
Many thanks!
All mentioned above I used. Not helped. Program version 9 and 10. I have installed Windows7,X64 SP1 NETFramework 1.1, 2,3,3.5,4 and 4.5. The program is installed, connect with the activation server writes that актиация completed successfully, click start. When you click on start out again activation window. When installing on Windows XP gets up correctly. Tried to run from the administrator and enter under the working environment XP - all this does not help. Ask помощи.Р/S Manual activation is also way and not helped. The program is needed urgently
Hello George,
Please verify if under C:\Users\ The Admin username \AppData\Local\Incomedia\ is present a folder called WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution and if inside this folder the licence.iwl file is present.
If this folder exists and inside the file is present, copy the folder and paste it under c:\Users\ Your Windows username \AppData\Local\Incomedia and then start the program.
Please let me know if this works.
The file is present. I on 9 version tried not helped also.
Hello George,
Please try to deactivate the UAC in windows 7 to test if after the issue is still the same. You can find the procedure to follow here:
Please keep me updated.
UAC in windows 7 off. Not result
Hello George,
Please try following procedure:
Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1. Say OK.
After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1
And once done start the program again and then register it if necessary and then check if after you start it again you get asked again for the activation.
Try also to create a new user in Windows and then check from this user if the same happens too.
Please let me know if it works.
tried it. 't help. On Windows XP established but the files are not unloads the hosting. Writes a variety of errors. Including 550. Manually through the Manager hosting unloaded. Now, two problems тебующие solutions.
1. Inability to install on Windows 7
2. The inability to upload files on Windows XP
Hello George,
The error 550 is an error message of the hosting provider and has nothing to do with the program. Please check that you are uploading in the correct folder on your hosting space and try also to activate or deactivate the passive ftp. If the issue still persists contact the hosting provider to ask why you get the error 550 Access denied.
For the Windows 7 issue please try to sue the Windowa 7 repair function and then check if after this it will let you install the program.
Please keep me updated.