Email form fails on Server 2003 IIS 6 
Autor: B Rothwell
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Hi there, as title.
I have easily created a website including an email contact me form.
However, when I press the 'send' button it fails with the message:
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) was used to attempt access.
I am using Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6, and the other pages work fine ... just not the email form page. This is located at:
I am new to X5 and have Evolution 10 version.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
Posted on the
Ask yourhoster/ providerifphpis enabled and thesending ofemailwith phpisallowed, aswell notcallable.
It is my own server so yes sending of email is allowed!!
As for enabling php how can I check? The server is in my garage BTW!
Many thanks for the reply anyway ...
Cheers. Bill
PS I don't have /admin page - do I need to create one?
Theadminfiles(index.php, etc.)arein theadmindirectoryon the server.if the serverphp arehandledstartedthis.Since thisis their ownserver and awindow server(we are hostingon Linuxservers), you shouldfind information about howthe Windowsserver mustbe set so thatphpfilesare executed.the error messages(HTTPError405- TheHTTPverbusedtoaccessthis page isnot allowed.Internet Information Services(IIS))showthataccess tophpis denied.
You can download and install PHP on your home server from the following link:
The package is open source and free of cost.
The downside of installing on your own server is that you will have to do all the configuration yourself! However, the help files are good and there is lots of additional information on the net in various forums, etc.
WebSite X5 uses PHP not just for the Email Form Object, but also for the Guestbook, Blog, Shopping Cart, etc, so it would be a good idea to install it before going any further.
Let us know if you get stuck!
Kind regards,
Many thanks, that is very useful...
I won't ask many questions until I have tried installation, but is php just installed to the default directories on W 2003 server?
I've personally never used Windows 2003 server so have no experience in that regard. However, as always there are comprehensive tutorials on the PHP website.
You might find the following links particularly relevant:
Hope that helps!
Installed php..
Didnt work ... remembered to confogure IIS !
Still didn't work
Looked at the install instructions and posts, edited the various config files and lo!! it works...
Email form is fine, many thanks...
However, the only comment I now have is when sending an email there does not seem to be confirmation it has been sent - the home page is displayed, rather than a confirmation like 'email sent sucessfully' Can this also be set up ?.
Anyway, many thanks and I seem to be nearly there.
Cheers all!
yes,yousee thepicture attachedwherethisis selected, createthe hidden sideofthis"e-mailok"
Hi there,
I can't see how to make this page 'hidden' - I can create an 'email ok' page but it appears in the site map ... can you clarify please?
To hide your 'email OK' page in the sitemap go to Step 2 - Sitemap Creation.
Highlight/select the 'email OK' page in the 'Map' column on the left-hand side by clicking once on it to make the text turn blue. Now move to the edit toolbar at the top and click on the icon second from the right entitled 'Hidden Page in the Menu' (this text will only show up if you hover your mouse over the icon)
That's all you have to do to hide the page.
Reupload to your site and you're done.
Kind regards,
Thanks, you are very helpful...
Excellent program - only seems to add one or two odd bits to the html ...