Unwanted text on Home Page 
Autor: Cos Petrondas
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The words "Page Content" are shown on the top left in the background header area of my homepage.
This only appears on the home page.
I have not added these words, and even though I have searched trying to find where they are located in order to get rid of them (especially checking and editing the template), I haven't been able to do so.
At the same time, the home page displays 1cm below the top of the browser.
My website address for a proper look is www.abiwear.co.uk.
How can I get rid of them please?
Thanks very much.
Posted on the
Most likely you mistakenly put this in the context of the structure of the home page. Look here: STEP2 --- Home --- Properties --- tab expert, there is the structure of your code look at all the tabs.
original text
Скорее всего ты по ошибке вставил данный контекст в структуру главной страници. Посмотри здесь: ШАГ2---Главная---Свойства---Вкладка эксперт, там есть структура пользовательского кода посмотри по всем вкладкам.
Hi Victor
Many thanks for your help. I have attached a pic to show you whats in the expert section. I can't remember what it is exactly, but I think its probably a Bing Analytic tool.
If this is the problem, how can I solve it and still keep the code?
Thanks again.
Hello Cos,
It looks like you have cut and pasted the code from a web page tutorial. However, you have not quite done it correctly.
You only need this single line:
<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="BF86989FC5E4576D55BB734AD7751BD6" />
which should be inserted in the same place on the 'Expert' tab (before closing the HEAD tag)
Delete all other lines. Save your changes and reupload your project to the web.
Kind regards,
Hi Paul
Thanks a lot! This solved the problem.
Much appreciated