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Jo V.
Jo V.

Javascript is NOT enabled, but it is?  en

Autor: Jo V.
Visited 1054, Followers 2, Udostępniony 0  
Tagi: javascript

Javascript is NOT enabled, but it is?

In my site I have a guestbook and a contact (email) page. Both don't work! Everytime I get the message 'javascript is not enabled'. But java says it IS enabled! For the guestbook I have a database and a map with cmod 777. The email page is exact standard as in Website X5. I tried several browser (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, Safari). All the same. What is wrong???

Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

Probeer eens in 4 advanced settings -> datamanagement een lager script te kiezen.

Wel je site daarna (weer) uploaden. Heeft je provider support voor PHP5 ?

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Andre E
Jo V.
Jo V.

Provider geeft PHP5 en MySQL5 (

De 4 advanced settings, daar heb ik geen datamanagement instelling.

Zie bijgesloten attachment.

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Posted on the from Jo V.
Jo V.
Jo V.

Inmiddels ALLES gecontroleerd en ik kan geen fout ontdekken. Toch werkt het niet. Heb al een nieuwe database gemaakt en een controle test gedaan:

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Jo V.
Andre E
Andre E

Je hebt de NL versie, dan is het gegegevens begeer.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Andre E
Andre E
Andre E

begeer = beheer....

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Andre E
Jo V.
Jo V.

Dank je wel zover, maar het helpt niet. Ik heb alle drie de scripts uitgeprobeerd. Ik heb ook nergens code toegevoegd en de voorvertoning op de lokale computer werkt perfect!

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Posted on the from Jo V.
Andre E
Andre E

Heb je de site wel weer geupload nadat je script hebt aangepast ?

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Andre E
Jo V.
Jo V.

Ja Andre, zelfs elke keer handmatig alles verwijderd en de hele site opnieuw geupload. Heb nu maar besloten om een eigen formulier te gebruiken als contactformulier. Ik moet zeggen dat in versie 9 alles vlekkeloos liep, dat is met versie 10 niet het geval.

Maar toch bedankt voor je hulp!

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Jo V.
Michele C.

Hello Jo,

Since you get the error 'javascript is not enabled', could it be an error in some javascript custom code in your site? Could you provide me with the url where I can test the issue?

Keep me updated, thank you

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Michele C.
Andre E
Andre E


The site is: But Jo chenged the contact page manually so it works know.

Jo, I still like to know what's wrong, can you make another small test site with the only a contact form so Incomedia can have a look ?

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Andre E
Jo V.
Jo V.

Ok, done. , than contact2

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Jo V.
Michele C.

Hello Jo,

in your page I get an error for: 404 (Not Found)

This could be the issue, this file has not been uploaded in your server. Could you try to export again the whole site? 

Moreover, please try to upload a small new project like Andre said.

Keep us updated, thank you

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Michele C.
Jo V.
Jo V.

I did:

- upload the whole site to the server: no x5settings.js was in /res/

- saved the whole site to my harddisk: no x5settings.js was in /res/

- searched for x5settings.js on my computer: no way!

- in Datamanagement I delete my database in websiteX5 and did a new upload: no x5settings.js

- did make a new small project:  and....there was x5settings.js. The contact form did work. All seems ok. Only in my first site, there is no x5settings.js

So it is in my project, there are no other custom codes.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Jo V.
Michele C.

Hello Jo,

before ask you to send me your project I'd like to ask you one more thing. Did you try to open the preview of your project click on the relative button while keeping the CTRL key of the the keyboard pressed? in this way all the files of your project will be generated from scratch. After having done this please try to uplaod the site again.

Let me know if it works

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Michele C.
Jo V.
Jo V.

Hello Michele,

I did so and now x5settings.js is uploaded. The form works fine now! Thank you for the help.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Jo V.
Andre E
Andre E

Good Job Michele ! THX !

and I learned something again :)


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Posted on the from Andre E