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T. Stück
T. Stück

Uploading homepage to the net - destination folder  en

Autor: T. Stück
Visited 661, Followers 2, Udostępniony 0  


I now want to upload my homepage to the net.

When i reads the page where I am ask , "Select the folder where you want to publish the WebSide" , which folder must I use ???

Posted on the
Paul M.
Paul M.


Your webhost will be able to advise you further.  You typically want to publish your website in the 'public' folder of your webspace, or in a subfolder of the same which you might create yourself.

Very often it is not necessary to write anything in this field.  Other times it might be necessary to write 'public_html', 'htdocs', 'httpdocs' or something similar, depending on who you host with.  Again, your webhost can advise.

Ask them for the path to the public folder on your webspace, and reflect that by filling in the field as appropriate.

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.