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FHWD Admin
FHWD Admin

CMS In New X5 v10 Professional!!!  en

Autor: FHWD Admin
Visited 8818, Followers 4, Udostępniony 0  

See folks? Now X5 has come out with v10 Professional that has CMS for your clients. Told you - wait for the X5 team before using some third party buggy Henrik Hansen "WaveCMS" system you have to pay for per site...

Now you can have CMS for your clients in the new v10 Professional version of X5 and have the backing of a reputable company behind it!

Awesome job X5 team!!! Thank you for this. I have been with you for years now and will for sure be getting the new version at the great discount offered to your members.

Posted on the
FHWD Admin
FHWD Admin

By the way - the things you were asking for in WaveCMS, like being able to remove the meta tag for genorator by Icomedia Website Evolution etc - they have done it for you and so much more!

Check out the features:

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Posted on the from FHWD Admin
Steve H.
Steve H.

What are the benefits of upgrading to the professional version?

I have read the "advertising" blurb

But what are the real bedefits?

Is the online shop a fully fledged shop or a halfway house?

What about some software for making app: Does Incomedia provide anything for that?

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Posted on the from Steve H.
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Where can I download a test/demo version of this to see what exactly is changed?

Is it a full CMS, because in the discription it says, "just like a real CMS" so I dont know what to make of that? Will changes made with the online CMS be overwritten once we need to change layout, and will all the content added by a client or ourselfs be gone?

Is this licence attached to only one domain, or can this publish on many domains attached to different databases without always needing to buy a new licence?

Is there a manual, tutorial present and if so where can we find it please?

Kind regards,

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Posted on the from LogoLogics A.
R. De Graaf
R. De Graaf

We've been working with Website X5 v10 evolution for a while. Today I saw that in the X5 v10 professional there seems to be an option that we can have a CMS so our customers can change content?

That sounds good to me so i've purchased the X5 v10 professional version.

Please, can you tell me where I can find the CMS for my customers? I can't find it. Or is it the new object "Dynamic Content" that we can add to a page?

If so then please refund my purchase asap. In my opinion this may not be called a Content Management System. Besides that, there are not more features comparing to X5 v10 evolution.

So please refund.

Kind Regards,
LC-Factory B.V. 

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Posted on the from R. De Graaf
Huveneers A.
Huveneers A.

I agree with you R. De Graaf. v10 evolution or professional is almost the same and cost normally € 199!!!!

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Posted on the from Huveneers A.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

I bought it, testing it. So far so good.

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Posted on the from Jorge L.
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva

I will wait more users reviews, and some upgrade offer. Very expensive to bet.

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Posted on the from Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Noemi W.

Dear all,

since I've seen that especially the CMS feature does cause some inconsistencies I would like to provide you an official statement about that:

The WebSite X5 philosophy is always to be an offline CMS and we introduced the Dynamic Content Object to allow to edit a part of the website online but the main purpose of the program remains to use the software on the computer to edit it. In this way you will have always the possibility to edit, update, change remove content easily without any programming skill and in this way also, in case you sold the website, you can continue to offer assistance and upgrades to the customer because it will be necessary to have the project and the program and with other systems any other webmaster could take the project and continue your work.

I hope this could help you... Please enjoy working with WebSite X5 Professional 10.


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Posted on the from Noemi W.
Bryan H.
Bryan H.

I have been using evolution 9 for many sites and think it's great - I bought 10 pro after reading about the 'CMS' in the email I was sent - Features are great, but the dynamic content or cms doesn't seem to work as advertized? I am considering asking for a refund or downgrade to regular 10 as I feel the pro was misrepresented and does not represent good value compared to regular 10 - Please can we get a video up of how to use this feature, I'm hoping I am missing something as the dynamic content is very limiting to say the least!



P.S. I think that the previous versions are fantastic, but I am very unsatisfied with pro 10 at this point in time!

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Posted on the from Bryan H.
FHWD Admin
FHWD Admin

I haven't published a site online yet with v10 Professional. I have messed around a little with it. I have been an x5 user for 3-4 years now.

Regarding the CMS - yes, that is the new Dynamic Content module you see. You move that into the page where you want it, how big you want it, etc - then if you hit preview to preview the website/page you will see the editing module on the live preview screen. That's what your clients will see as well when they log on to make a change to any given Dynamic Content module.

During a preview of the page with the Dynamic Content module you can add text, links, or images etc right there on the preview screen - same as a client would.

Though maybe not a full blown CMS - still a nice and simple one to satisfy those clients who want a "What's New" or "News" etc section they can easily edit and update themselves online. You could even make an entire page a Dynamic Content module for them to use as needed.

As for the store. I haven't gone through it all yet. One thing I did check that was important to me is that no longer is the PayPal checkout option a hassle for customers - with reminding them to pay in their email sent to them etc. There is now a PayPal BUY NOW button that takes them to PayPal to purchase an item right away.

Just remember, if you want to edit that Dynamic Content module during site development to place something there until you hand it over to clients for their editing etc - preview the website/page and you will see the edit options on the preview screen where you can add content into it.

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Posted on the from FHWD Admin
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.


Thx for your explanation.

Can you tell us, what happens with the changed content ( with the Dynamic content module )
fter we publish later with website x5 agian? Will those online changes be overwritten?


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Posted on the from LogoLogics A.
FHWD Admin
FHWD Admin

I haven't launched a site online with this new v10 Pro yet. I will soon and test that for you. I don't think it'll be changed unless you change it yourself in the preview window before uploading the site/changes. The reason I say this is because it appears you can only edit the Dynamic Content module on the preview website window. I will post my findings once I experiment some.

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Posted on the from FHWD Admin
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Thx, FHWD!

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Posted on the from LogoLogics A.
Bryan H.
Bryan H.

I put a test site up - Google maps and street view will display fine in firefox but not in chrome, maps works in IE but not street view?? - Facebook box only displays when it wants to in all browsers - As mentioned in my earlier post, the dynamic content or cms ( my reason for upgrading )is way too limiting! Think I'll continue using 9 untill these bugs are worked out. Feel I shouldn't have parted with my money so quickly when I saw 10's advertized features. Caution folks try the demo first! - I'm hoping the team at x5 will get these bugs sorted out quickly, I love x5 9 and think it is an awesome product, but don't buy 10 if you are looking for a cms edit feature for your customers, you will be let down. We need a feature like wave cms to be included with this package to make it 'professional' ( that is what I, and I'm sure many others expected!!)

Thanks sincerely


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Posted on the from Bryan H.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Just to provide some balance for the benefit of other prospective purchasers...

I use both Evolution 10 and Professional and have never found any difficulty in utilising the Google Maps/street view or Facebook features, etc., even when using various browsers  -  the issues Jamie experienced could be caused by external factors perhaps?

I have found a few minor bugs in the Professional version (relating to the new features), but that is often the case when new features are rolled out, and I expect updates will be released soon.

Quite a few people have commented on the Dynamic Content Object with regards to CMS, but Incomedia themselves have never set out to claim that the Object can replace a full-blown CMS.

Best regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
FHWD Admin
FHWD Admin

I haven't had a problem with Google Maps, the Facebook features etc.

One thing I have encountered so far is when publishing a site the home page does not get published...correctly. Shows as code all over the screen. The index.html file does not seem to be generated and published - could not find it on the server - nor in the project files on my desktop - other than in the preview folder.

This needs fixing right away.

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Posted on the from FHWD Admin
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

They didn't remove the Meta Tag - Website made by x5 pro 10 ...

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Posted on the from Jorge L.
FHWD Admin
FHWD Admin

No, it removes if you select the option to remove it. When you first launch the program and are on the StartPage - see Prefrences to your left - click it. That's where you will find the option to remove it.

But as stated above by me I think doing this caused problems with the Home page publishing etc.

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Posted on the from FHWD Admin
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello FHWD Admin,

Regarding the index.html page, please see my comments on the other thread you raised about this:

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
FHWD Admin
FHWD Admin

Paul above is correct and the post he is referring to solved my problems.

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Posted on the from FHWD Admin