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Ted W
Ted W

Shopping Card functions for Use in USA  en

Autor: Ted W
Visited 1394, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

How well Shopping Card is design for US purchases in WebSite10 Professional?

Can I configure shipping cost based on a zip code in USA?

During the checkout process is the tax be calculated in USA based on zip code?

Please advise how advance Professional version is comparing to Evolution 10 when it comes to use it for creating an e-commerce store in USA?

Does the Professional version has an inventory management fuction (calculate total products and sales)

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Ted,

The shipping costs cannot be configured to change according to the zip code. You need to add different costs which then the user needs to select.

The advantage with the Professional is the possibility to store the order on a Database online and to receive also the order through email.

At the moment it is not possible to have this feature in WebSite X5. I would like to suggest that you open an "Idea" Post where you describe to us the feature you would like to see implemented in the future releases of WebSite X5.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Ted W
Ted W


Is Incomedia planning to integrate TAX calculation based on a zip code during the checkout in the near future and if yes, when and in which software version?

Are the product Inventory to be implemented in a near feauture as well?

Do you have any US based website that was created using Professional version of WebSiteX5 software that has built in "work around" Shopping Card ?

Can you explain in more detail how to use VAT calculation for TAX calculations for USA based sales.  I really, need to inmplement Shopping Cart for US purchases.

In more details is it worth to upgrade to Pro version from version 10. 

How the email and order storing in database works?

kindly please answer my question.  MY NEED ARE BASED ON SHOPPING CARD.

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Posted on the from Ted W
Claudio D.

Hello Ted,

Unfortunately I cannot tell you if and when it will be integrated.

I would suggest you to open an IDEA post to suggest it so it will be taken in consideration by the developers.

All websites made with our product are visible in the gallery but these are not organized based on the country.

The pro version is giving you further options like the discounts and to store the orders also in a database so these are saved on it and in the same time you get an email containing the order.

There is no system at the moment which calculates the vat based on the state and the option is or to create a cart bases on the state so it will include all correct taxes or you make one only where you specify the taxes will be included after the order has been made so you will see the customers informations and you can calculate the correct taxes.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.