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Pierre F.
Pierre F.

Question  en

Autor: Pierre F.
Visited 2224, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  
Tagi: blog

Hi I have a ? for you concerning the blog,

let say that I have 100 articles in my blog each articles are
about 300 pixel high, how many articles will I have per pages
and how many pages can I have in a blog, also when we want to
go to the admin page of the blog to delete a comment or approve a comments
can we change the path of it like :
the reason I had a problem with someone who was sending spam messages
into my blog around 20 per day, probably he knew the path, so if I change
the path it will be harder to do it I think.

and the last question, I asked you if we would have the opportunity
to have the text tab in evo 10 you said may be in a futur update will we
have it??????????

thanks Pierre Foucher
a long long time customer :)

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Pierre,

In the blog in every page there appears maximum 5 articles and the height depends on the settings of it. If you set app articles expanded these will occupy more space but always 5 per page.

The Admin page name cannot be changed and it will be accessible always user /admin

For the spam try to download the attachment and then unzip it and copy the file x5engine.php in:

C:\Program Files\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\Res

and then open the project and press CTRL while you start the preview and then export the complete project again. This should stop the spam.

About the tabs in the Evolution unfortunately I cannot tell you if and when these will be available.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Pierre F.
Pierre F.

Thanks Claudio for your help

Pierre :)

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Posted on the from Pierre F.