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Robert J.
Robert J.

How to cover website & How to get it online?  en

Autor: Robert J.
Visited 992, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I'm just beginning to work with WebsiteX5. I created a simple website and went to the Export step to try to see how to get it online at the site included free for the first year. I didn't discover how to accomplish that, but it appears I lost the website I had created; the popup message I get when I try to go to any step tells me I must choose a template before continuing. So my 2 questions are Is there a way to recover the website I created? and How do I find the address to which to FTP my webpage to get it online?

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Claudio D.

Hello Robert,

To get the free hosting for one year you need to go to your profile in the webhostign section and follow the steps to activate it. The Ftp adress will be sent to you by once you activated the 1 year free hosting with all the necessary informations.

You can also find the ftp address when you login in your user account.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.