Not happy with your response 
Autor: Christine C.Thank you for your reply.
I am sure you have read my questions, but seem to avoid given a stright answer. I have already said I was only interested in the ver 10 pro,NOT ANY OTHER VERSION. This pro version is close to being over £100 more than any other version,yet you cannot provide it in a box. I am sorry you have not provided ver pro 10 in a box. I will not purchase any other version again unless you provide as you did for ver 7-8-9 that I have purchased them all in a box. It seems that X5 is getting greedy and not providing what we want. I will close this debate as a person who thinks X5 has got far too big as most comapnies do, and do not provide what we want, remeber we suported X5 when you were on your way up. but there is only one way and we will see you on the way down. Regards Christine
Hello Christine,
please open a single post for each question.
I have added an answer for you here:
Thank you!