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John M.
John M.

Index page removal  en

Autor: John M.
Visited 487, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  
Tagi: index,pages

Hi. My website displays a home page with the correct URL but also one with /index after it. I have been told that multiple pages are bad and will push you down the natural listings. Is this true? and if so How do I remove them??? Thanks, John

Posted on the

Die URL ist die Webadresse und die index-datei die erste datei die aufgerufen wird, je nach Aufruf wird oben nur die url oder auch zusätzlich /index.* angezeigt. Die URL alleine kann nicht dargestellt werden, da die Webadresse keine Inhalt enthält.

Grüsse JJ.

google translation:

The URLis the web addressandtheindexfile is thefirstfilethat is called,depending on thecall isabove, only theurlor in addition/ index.*Displayed.The URLalonecan not bedisplayed because theaddressdoes not contain anycontent.


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Posted on the from JJ. JUAG
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

No John, its not true, having muliple pages has nothing to do with google ranking.

go to your program (webx5) then go to step2 (sitemap), check you pages by highlighting them (one by one), then go to properties and check the file name in general tab, make sure your homepage name is index

Also remember, if you create a welcome page, program automaticlly mark that page as index and your homepage as home.

Let me know the result

if this post solved your problem, please mark it as solved.

Good Luck

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Posted on the from Anthony A.