WebSite X5Help Center

Barry Maloney
Barry Maloney

Version 11  en

Autor: Barry Maloney
Visited 975, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

is there a version 11 in the pipeline. I see that there are some good things in version 10 Pro but the cost is outrageous to just move within the same version. That is Evolution to Professional.

If I were to move to Professional I would be very annoyed if a new version came out within 6 months.

Can you advise?

Regards BArry

Posted on the
Samantha M.

Hi Barry!

I'm sorry but I can not tell if there will be a new version out soon.

WebSite X5 Evolution 10 and WebSite X5 Professional 10 are 2 differet editions of the software. They work in the same way but the Professional version has been built for professionals and it has advanced features in it. 
Please feel free to download the demo version to test it if you like, you can find it here

Thank you!

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Posted on the from Samantha M.
Barry Maloney
Barry Maloney

Thank you, but I don't believe there is not enough difference to warrent the cost. as I said before the cost is outrageous.

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Posted on the from Barry Maloney