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Franz Collier
Franz Collier

Website X10 pro Stoped Work and Close Out  en

Autor: Franz Collier
Visited 455, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I start new template project, then when I go ahead and do a preview sudenly a windows pop up says: Incomedia Website X5 10 profesional stoped working. Windows. A problem caused the program stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. 

Close Program

I try 10 times and the same problem

Posted on the
Riccardo P.

Hello Franz,

try with a new project and test it.

Check if in the windows is correctly install the Framework 3.5 and 4.0.

Let me know.

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Posted on the from Riccardo P.
Franz Collier
Franz Collier

Tks for your support. I have installed Service Pack 1 SP1, is ok this version or I have to upgrade for 2 or more.


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Posted on the from Franz Collier