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Jamie B.
Jamie B.

Responsive website  en

Autor: Jamie B.
Visited 4418, Followers 2, Udostępniony 0  

To create a responsive website in x5 create 2 sites desktop and mobile, in the desktop version make your header the same size as the background, in mobile version make your header width 640 pixels then use the mobile redirect script which I will upload shortly. It's not as hard as some people think. You can see how it works here check on pc first then mobile

Posted on the
Eduardo Volpi A.
Eduardo Volpi A.

You don't have "one" responsive website. In fact you still have "two" separated and manteined websites, one for desktop and another for mobile.

Great work anyway.

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Posted on the from Eduardo Volpi A.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

Yes that's true, but visitors don't know that once the visit the site via mobile, the script automatically detects the mobile device, and redirects to the mobile version, this is the only way to give the look of a responsive site at the moment.

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Posted on the from Jamie B.
Eduardo Volpi A.
Eduardo Volpi A.

Regardless of users knowing or not, its not a "responsive" website, so you can't claim "To create a responsive website in X5..."

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Posted on the from Eduardo Volpi A.
Luis S.
Luis S.

Responsive would have been THE reason to buy X5 pro.....well some day :/

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Posted on the from Luis S.
Jacinto R.
Jacinto R.

Sadly there is no responssive themes on website x5 pro. I did purchased it the pro, but there are few things that need inprovements. If i would know of the limitation before paying 250$, I would had gone with wordpress themes. 

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Posted on the from Jacinto R.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

my apologies Eduardo maybe I worded it wrong, yes we created 2 sites 1 mobile and 1 web, but the script we use for mobile redirection redirects users to the mobile template, so users will never know the difference, we have 3 full screen templates that come with mobile template and have the redirection script already in the main web template you can view them here on your pc and mobile device

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Posted on the from Jamie B.
Oliver E.
Oliver E.

Hello Jamie, i cant find your script. Did you allready upload it?

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Posted on the from Oliver E.
Oliver E.
Oliver E.

got it:

<scriptlanguage="javascript">var mobile =(/iphone|ipad|ipod|android|blackberry|mini|windows\sce|palm/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()));if(mobile){ window.location.replace("");}else window.location.replace("");</script>

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Posted on the from Oliver E.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

yes thats correct, i will upload the script shortly for everyone to use, our premium templates already come with it included in the template packs, so it makes it easier to use our templates.

jamie - x5 tutorials & forum

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Jamie B.
Jano M.
Jano M.

Jamie, nice sites, but they are not responsive...

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Jano M.
Edwin P.
Edwin P.
Jamie B.
yes thats correct, i will upload the script shortly for everyone to use, our premium templates already come with it included in the template packs, so it makes it easier to use our templates. jamie - x5 tutorials & forum

Jamie - where on your website exactly can I find/buy your tutorial and/or script?



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Posted on the from Edwin P.
Shane Martin
Shane Martin

I take it the script above is the correct script even though it wan't Jamie posting? If so, do you insert the script on the main site? In what part do you insert it? Also I take it you replace the "" with the main site and replace "" with the mobile site?

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Posted on the from Shane Martin
Chris S.
Chris S.

You should put the script on each page that you want to have the redirection happen, as the visitor could get to your site on any page, I think the above script also caters for if the visitor gets to the mobile page on a pc it will redirect to the desktop version. "" is where you put your mobile address, "" is where you put your pc or main address.

Another way is to test the width of the browser and switch to different pages, so you could have more than two different widths.

The script is to be placed inside the body of the page, look in X5 help for adding code into the page html.

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Posted on the from Chris S.