Header problem 
Autor: Ungureanu S.
Visitado 282,
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Pleasehelp me witha problem:my websitehas 7main pages,and sinceI thinkthe lastupdateforprof11, except forthe first page(home)andlast(contact),other pagesdisplay adifferentheader(frompreviouschangesinheader).Any changein the "structure-templatecustomization"does not affectthese pages,onlyhome pageandcontactpage.There are nospecial settingsforthese pages.Forothersitesdoes not appearthis problem.
It seems thatthe headerforthis site islinked to apreviousheader,includingthe headerelements.
Noproblem with thelayoutbecause ifIapplythislayoutto another siteeverything is okay.
Thank you
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Hello Ungureanu S.,
Try to use the internal function in WebSite X5 for the google webfonts which can be found in Preferences when you start the program:
Once done export the complete project online to test it again.
Many thanks!