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Ungureanu S.
Ungureanu S.

Header error  en

Autor: Ungureanu S.
Visitado 211, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

Pleasehelp me witha problem:my websitehas 7main pages,and sinceI thinkthe lastupdateforprof11, except forthe first page(home)andlast(contact),other pagesdisplay adifferentheader(frompreviouschangesinheader).Any changein the "structure-templatecustomization"does not affectthese pages,onlyhome pageandcontactpage.There are nospecial settingsforthese pages.Forothersitesdoes not appearthis problem.
It seems thatthe headerforthis site islinked to apreviousheader,includingthe headerelements.
Noproblem with thelayoutbecause ifIapplythislayoutto another siteeverything is okay. I reinstalled the program and no changes.

Thank you

Publicado em
Andre E
Andre E

Could it be a refresh problem? Try ctrl_F5 ?

Try also a complete upload, maybe that helps. And offcource recheck with a refresh of cash with F5.

Hope this helps....

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Publicado em de Andre E