PhpBB Forum 
Autor: Bob K.
Visitado 7503,
Seguidores 1,
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phpBB is an open source forum application. Initially released in 2000, phpBB is currently the most used "free" forum application with millions of people using the application every day. I am curious as to why Incomedia has not developed an object management option or instructions o how to integrate phpBB forum into a website? Blogs are nice but I would like to interact with site visitors and share knowledge that I have about my website topic.
I am truly enjoying using website X5!
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Hola Bob, no necesitas un objeto para eso, la mejor manera de integrar un foro externo como phpBB es usando un link de Nivel.
Los pasos serían estos:
HiBob,you do not needan object tothat, the bestway to integratean externalforumlinkphpBBisusing aLevel.
The stepswould be these:
Review,testand comment.
•If thetopichelps yougivethe option toright.
•If the solutionserves youwhether ornot yourquestiondalehelpful.
•If youno goodanswer, try toaddlinksorscreenshotsto helpbetter understandthe question.