Error while Installing x5 Professional 11 on 2nd PC 
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I use any one PC at given time.
Recently, second PC was re-installed. But when I try to install x5 Professional 11, it says Successfully installed.
Then I go to Programs and click on x5 icon
Instead of software, I get a window asking me to install.
I repeat. And same error again and again.
Kindly advice. Snapshot is attached.
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Hello Pratik,
The screenshot shows a window with a message prompting you to activate the software as opposed to installing it.
Please read through the following thread, paying particular attention to Claudio's replies:
Kind regards,
I was not able to find following folder at path shown by you.
C:\Users\ The Admin username \AppData\Local\Incomedia\ is NOT present a folder called WebSite X5 v11 - Evolution and if inside this folder the licence.iwl file is NOT present.
My problem is after I begin installation of x5 Prof.11 on 2nd PC, it says SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED. CLICK START TO BEGIN WORKING WITH X5. (Snapshot attached)
But when I click START, the program do not open. Instead, installation window opens. Asking me to install again. Even if I re-install, again same thing happens. The programme never opens.
Kindly advice.
Did you replace the part of the file path highlighted in bold with your actual Windows admin username?
Also, the folder (in this instance) will be named 'WebSite X5 v11 - Professional' as you have the Professional version.
Yes. In my PC, The Admin Username is PCS.
Kindly advice next steps.
Thank you for the information. Can you confirm that you can definitely access the folder 'AppData' at the following path:
This folder is normally hidden from view... you may have to unhide it using the controls in 'Folder Options' (please see the attached screenshot)
When you installed WebSite X5 on the 'second PC' did you install with administrator rights? In other words, right-click on the setup file and select 'Run as administrator'?
Thanks for the info on hidden file. I was able to locate AppData file.
Then I copied the folder and paste it as mentioned by you.
But this did not work.
After successful installation, when I clicked START, it again took me to process of activation.
Kindly advice next steps.
Please do not copy the folder... please instead copy and paste only the file called licence.iwl
Let us know how you get on...
Recently I purchased Website x5 Professional 12.
Also, my second PC was re-installed with Windows 7
I tried to install x5 Professional 12.
But same problem.
It said successfully installed. Even short-cut was created on Desktop.
But when I clicked on it, it takes me to Professional Activation of programme again and again.
Kindly advice.
. . . but you installed x5 by
right click --> install as adminitrator ?
Hello Pratik,
Please try to start the program with the right click as administrator to see if also so you get asked to activate it.
If this is not happening then you need or to uninstall the program and install it as user or set it to be run always as administrator.
Many thanks!
Soory for delay in writing
But it did not work
Kindly advice alternatives
Hello Pratik,
If you install the program as administrator and then you run it as administrator then this windows should not appear. If it appears or there's a problem with the permissions of windows or perhaps the antivirus is deleting the licence file and in this case you need to add the folder to the whitelist to avoid this.
Try also to repair the .NET Frameworks like following and then test again to install the program as admin and run it as admin:
To repair the .NET Frameworks 3.5 and 4 you need as first to use following cleanup tool to remove .NET 4:
Once done go to Control Panel then choose Programs and Features and then click on Turn Windows features on or off. Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1
This procedure can take some time to deactivate and activate .NET 3.5.1 and once done reinstall .NET 4 after downloading it from following link:
If also after this it still ask to activate it check if there is a permission issue and if the antivirus is deleting the licence.iwl file.
Many thanks!