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Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Responsive Mode problem  en

Autor: Cos Petrondas
Visitado 3246, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  


In Responsive Mode, page contents are wrongly overlaid and obsuring some extra pages instead of just the home page. (please see pic).

The website is, and the pages with the wrong information are Shipping and Contact.

Is this something that can be corrected?

Thanks a lot


Publicado em
Luis S.
Luis S.

This has to be a problem with an image asigned to the background of the cell, take a look at the options on those problematic cell and you may find that there's a background image somewhere :)

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Publicado em de Luis S.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Luis

I have had a look in the cells affected but I can't see any other image apart from what's meant to be there. The affected pages display text only. 

However the text shown in the Page Contents of the Responsive Template is actually an jpg image.

Would that have any effect?

And so the problem continues...


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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Luis S.
Luis S.

Ok I have the answer! (I guess)

That image is inserted in the project, you can see it here:

So, as it only appears in the responsive view, I can tell that you inserted it in the responsive view template section, and you used it in the "content" section.

Please check the attached picture, my program is in spanish, but it will help you to know where to look :)

If your intention is to use that image anyway as a backgropund, let me know and I'll tell you how to use it in some pages only

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Publicado em de Luis S.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Luis

Thanks a lot for your help.

I can see were everything is, but I just don't know how to fix it.

The text/jpg on the Responsive Page Contents should appear only on the home page and nothing else.

I will be grateful for a little more of your time in solving this and learning how to add this only to one or more chosen pages.

Many thanks again


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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Luis S.
Luis S.

I'm almost sure that you added the jpeg as a background on the template section, so I would suggest to re check template section and every page and its properties.

It may not appear in other sections (products) because maybe those have a white background.

If you still cannot fix it, maybe send me the iwzip? you can remove the part you don't consider relevant and I'll let you know whats the problem so you can fix it by yourself and learn how to do it.

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Publicado em de Luis S.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Will check and get back to you soon.. thaanks

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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Luis

I've gone round all pages and areas trying to find if the jpg was inserted anywhere else in error.

I have also confirmed that the jpg I sent to you before, is only to be found in the contents page and nowhere else in the responsive template.

I am beginning to get the feeling that this is is not something I am doing, but rather there is a bug somewhere.

What do you thing?

Thanks for your continued help.


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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Stefano G.

Hi Cos.

If possible, you should send me the project you have, without preview in order for it to be smaller in size.

You can send us an email with the project file (the file with .IWZIP extension) as attachment to using as Subject “Post 133185 per Stefano G.”
If your project size is more than 10 megabytes, you can use online services like to send  us your project.
To export the project you want to send us, please use the function “Export the Project” in Step 5 and save it in C://.

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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Stefano

I uploaded what you asked for a few days back..

Any news yet on a solution?


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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Stefano G.

Hi Cos.

It seems that in the Responsive Template Structure, in the content section, you inserted a background image with the black text, which of course messes up every page of your website when on responsive mode.

The solution would be to remove that image from there.

It is not possible as of now to show that part exclusively on the responsive view and on the home page from there.

You can insert it in the home page as an Image Object though.

Hope I've been helpful

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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Stefano

I am rescending this as my previous reply to you on this subject seems to have dissappeared or deleted.

There is a facility in the Page Contents of the Responsive Template Structure to insert an image file . This is what I have done by inserting an jpg.. 

I am astounded to be told that this is not possible to do. What is the facility provided for? It seems useless to have it there if its going to mess everything up.

If I remove it, the gap when viewed in Responsive mode does not close correctly and it looks unsightly. Therefore there is a problem there also.

I need answers or at least a better workaround than suggested in your last note to get there, but preferably a fix to take care of this.

I also need to know exactly how the Image File field in the Responsive Template is to be used if it will not accept a jpg without messing everything else up.


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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Stefano G.

Hi Cos.

The problem is not that the JPG used as background stands above the text.

But you're using a background with black text under black text, meaning that it will look as if the two texts were kind of merging.

If you use any other jpg with colors that don't merge with black, you're gonna have no problem.

Let me know

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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Stefano

I have replaced the black text with red text but it's still the same problem. (I hope that I understand you correctly and this is what I have to do)!

So that I haven't been making mistakes along the way, below are the steps I have followed.

1 I retyped text in red.

2 Exported as jpg within photo software and in the correct size.

3 Inserted in Page Contents in Responsive Template Structure.

If any of the above is not correct or if I mis-interpreted your comments please let me know.

I am also raising another question in regards to a large gap (and how to close it up) between the header  and the main body on the home page in the Responsive mode. The reason I have that extra text is because of this large gap which looks unsightly and unecessary.

Many thanks for your reply and help.

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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Stefano G.

Hi Cos.

Did you make the modifications online?

Because I cannot see the change in text color.

Please provide the link with the updated website or a screenshot of the new situation so that I can check it.

Let me know

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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Stefano

I haven't uploaded the changes as the problem persisted.

I am attaching 3 images, hope they help you identify the problem.

The coloured text is there because if I don't put it in, in Respenive mode, then the gap on the Home Page is far too large. Could you please tell me what the problem is there and how to fix it, or please point me to some resource to sort it myself.


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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Stefano G.

Hi Cos.

I examined your project again.

As I said before, the problem is that you have text in the image you're using as a background.

I also checked the fact that you were talking about the gap appearing in the home page without putting that specific text.

It is actually easily solved by modifying some margin settings you used.

You gave a "top" margin to the Image Object containing "Gorgeous Soft Leather Shoes", but this top margin is there in responsive too, and this generates the gap.

Just remove that margin, and select "Align center" in the cell customization window.

Hope this helped

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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Stefano

Thank you very much for your response.

It is is truly appreciated but I am so sorry to persevere on the subject. As you can see from the attached images, changing the text image from the Responsive page contents and substituting this with another jpg entirely, hasn't made any difference and the problem persists.

I am mindful that, through inexperience on my part, I may not be following or understanding your comments and suggestions entirely correctly - I apologise if this is the case.

If this is not the case, I am attaching 2 pics that may throw some light on this.


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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Sorry, here are the pics

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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas
Stefano G.

Hi Cos.

I'll show you with the attached pictures what to do to solve your design problem about the website.

First of all, remove the background image for the responsive template.

Secondly, go the Step 3, and change the top margin for your image with Text inside, as well as the alignment inside the cell.

Verify now that without  the background image, you have no more issues with text and there is no black space when shrinking the main page.

Let me know

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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Stefano G.


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Stefano G.


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Stefano G.


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Stefano

The gap is now closed and the image is removed from the Page Contents- thanks very much for your help.

I am actually puzzled regarding the use of Page Contents in the Responsive Template Structure.

If you place anything there which is going to interfere with pages in other browser styles, what is the point having it?

The only use I can see for it is possibly watermarking or something similar? 

If you can point me in the right direction as to how this should be used, I'll appreciate it.

Many thanks.

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Publicado em de Cos Petrondas