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A. J.
A. J.

Error while importing my site  en

Autor: A. J.
Visitado 1174, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  


Somebody can help me?

I have exported my site and saved it in an extern memory. Because I might reinstall my PC. When I installed the Website X5 12 op my PC and want to import my site, I get this error: .....iwzip is not valid zip file!!

I have also saved the whole websites files.

Is there any solution to import my site? otherwise I should begin it from zero!!!! 

Thank you

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..


First of all, if your project iwzip file is stored on an external drive or USB flash drive, try copying it to the HD before import (some USB slots have issues feeding information to WX5 in a timely manner).

If you have not yet upgraded your PC, please create another iwzip of your project on your local HD, verify you can import this project and if so, copy to external HD or USB flash drive.

If you have already upgraded/replaced your PC, you could copy the whole project directory to the appropriate incomedia directory in your documents. It should open fine.

Please advise

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Publicado em de Esahc ..
A. J.
A. J.

Dear Eshac,

Thank you for your reply.

My exported file as iwzip is not an valid file and can not be imported any more. The only what I have, are the saved files. 

Is it possible to import these files. Plz take a loop at the picture below. How can I convert these file to iwzip file. Bcus oterwise it is not possible to be imported!

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Publicado em de A. J.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


Unfortunately you cannot import a website (generated by WX5)

Do you still have the original project directory?

If so, on the new PC, run WX5 and exit.

Then add the project directory to This PC>documents>Incomedia>Website X5 V12 - Evolution

The contents should look something like this

Next time you open WX5 you should be able to open the project.

If you don't have the project directory, and the iwzip file is indeed corrupt, your only choice is to recreate the site. You can do this from the files you listed in your screen shot (double click on index) to copy and paste the content, or download the files from your online site (with filezilla or similar).

If you need to resort to this we can assist if you need to recreate your template etc.

Please let us know how we can help.

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Publicado em de Esahc ..