Empty Image - am being told by an SEO audit that there is "empty-GT_imagea-1-.png" on all pages and can't find it ! 
Autor: Mink P.Used X5 Evolution 17 to create:
Here's part of the code causing the problem, it's on all pages
<a class="imHidden" href="#imGoToCont" title="Skip the main menu">Go to content</a>
<div id="imSideBar">
<div id="imSideBarObjects"><div id="imSideBar_imObjectImage_01_wrapper" class="template-object-wrapper"><div id="imSideBar_imObjectImage_01"><div id="imSideBar_imObjectImage_01_container"><img src="images/empty-GT_imagea-1-.png" title="" alt="" />
Pulled up the image from the directory and it's the icon X5 uses for an image (mountain in a box with moon or sun) and since it has not have "title="" alt=""" site is being penalized - PLEASE help us find it so we can delete it!
Many thanks!
The picture is probably in the sidebar. Open the sidebar (2 template-content of the template-sidebar) Here you should find the picture.
If the Sitebar is not active in the structure of the template temporarily activate.
After that ctrl preview and upload.