WebSite X5Help Center

Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg

Need HELP to make a website send SMTP mail with Windows Server 2019 IIS Websites  en

Autor: Garry Faegenburg
Visitado 1533, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

Hello all, I have really begun to enjoy making my websites now with this wonderful new Website X5.  However no matter what I try I can not get the mail to work and get Invalid HTTP Verb used.

So we know what I am working with here, I have the following Web Server setup:

Windows 2019 Server Standard with GUI
Windows SMTP Server feature has been installed

I  am  not  a PHP,  HTML  coder,  but  can  understand  how  to  do  changes.

I need a tutorial on how to make Website X5 work with Windows Server IIS websites to get email working.  Without that knowledge, my business website just aint gonna fly.

Can someone help?  You guys have an authenticated SMTP option which seemed to me was gonna be a simple implementation but I have been pulling my hair out trying to research and get this to work all to no avail.

I DO NOT have the rest of my life to get this happenning and I do not wish to become a programmer again (used to be a systems programmer on IBM AS/400's) and yeah I know that in itself is REALLY dating me.  :-)

So can somebody give me the quick and dirty tutorial on how to make sure the SMTP Server on the Website Server I use is configured properly for use with Website X5, and how to verify that IT is actually all ready to go?

Then if I know that is all set properly, I can get the next half of the puzzle worked out.  If I don't know which half of the process is broken, I have ZERO chances of correcting.

I apologize if the answer to this has been published before, but I have not seen a direct explanation anywhere yet.


Publicado em
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Garry,

You have the Pro edition of WebSite X5, so you have access to the built-in email testing facility in the online control panel.  Have you tried using it?  That would be the best place to start.

Full instructions are here (look for the portion entitled 'Commands in the Website Test Section'):

Do you have PHP (minimum version 5.6) installed on your Windows server?  You will not be able to send email without it.

Kind regards,


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Publicado em de Paul M.
Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg
  • Paul, I am unable to get the ontrol panel to work.  The only QR Scan Code in the website is the one for the link to the app in Google Play.  I try to add the website manually and it keeps saying it can't find the website.  Where in the heck is the QR code it wants to to scan related to MY website??  I am using the default admin User to try and add the website along with the system generated password.  Does not work from my phone and does not work from my iPad.
  • As for the Forum, how do I register?  I spent an hour trying to figure out how to contact the Admin to get set up so that is not helping either.  So far making the websites have been easy to pick up.  But the most important aspects of what I will need in the site are becoming increasingly frustrating.
  • I appreciate everyone's help, but each suggestion has le to more hours of frustration.  Until I get this control panel thing working, NOT going to put PHP on that server yet.  There are just too many pieces that can be busted that could be affecting what is not working so I need to try one thing at a time.
  • So two hotlist items first, need to get registered for that forum so I can see that code to test the SMTP connectivity
  • need to get this control panel thing working as it sounds like it should be a big help.
  • One other word on the control panel thing, since i host my own sites on my home network, I obvously have to ue NAT on my AT&T router to get ports 25, 80, 443, etc over to the proper server.  Are there any special ports that would be causing control panel not to work?  I keep getting the message that I need to check that the data is correct.  I have tried going on the wifi home network and it does the same thing that way.  Then if I switch to the direct connection to AT&T which is an external link and come in from the outside, I get the same problem.  This is consistent on both the iPad and the phone as I have direct service to At&t on both devices, I just use Wifi at home to save data usage on my plan.

So guys, how in the heck am I going to get this working?????

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Publicado em de Garry Faegenburg
Paul M.
Paul M.
Garry Faegenburg
Paul, I am unable to get the ontrol panel to work.

This is the root cause of your problem, Garry.  The online control panel requires PHP to work, and without PHP installed on the server you will not be able to send any email.

Installing PHP needs to be the first thing you do.

PHP is not an optional extra.  It is a minimum requirement in order to use WebSite X5 correctly:

What are the minimum requirements for the server?

There is no additional forum to register to in order to test email functionality.  Each online control panel is exclusive to each user and accessed by the administrator login credentials which you set in Access Management within WebSite X5.  But once again, you need PHP.  In fact, you need PHP for many of the more advanced features in WebSite X5.  Unfortunately there is no way round this.

You can download PHP here:

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Publicado em de Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.
Garry Faegenburg
...So two hotlist items first, need to get registered for that forum so I can see that code to test the SMTP connectivity need to get this control panel thing working as it sounds like it should be a big help. ...need to get this control panel thing working as it sounds like it should be a big help.

The cure for both of these is one and the same...  and that is installing PHP.

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Publicado em de Paul M.
Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg

Ok, Gotcha.  Actually I just downloaded PHP 7.3 and tried installing it on my Windows Server 2019 and since I don't know the install procedure, I just clicked on php,exe i blew up, so i wasn't sure if I downloaded the wrong one (I got the Non-Thread Safe version as the site suggested.  I will pick this up in the morning as I am exhausted1  MUCH thanks for your patience with me.  I know we will get this puppy working and then I can get back to the biz at hand.  Night guys, will update yu tomorrow after I figure out how to get that damnedPHP on the Server! :-)

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Publicado em de Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg

Hi Paul,   have downloaded PHP 7.3 and have placed the files in a subdirectory called C:\PHP7.  I found a Youtube video showing all the steps for getting PHP installed properly, but there is a grey area in the guys video that has me concerned that I will miss something critical in the php.ini file.  The variables that he uncommented were self explanatory and I had no problem with those (the stuff related to CGI).  I have installed the pre-req vcredstx64 file.  What I am now trying to figure out is the extensions to uncomment.  This guy was installing WordPress so he was doing things for MySQL, etc.  and here is the point at which I need some extra help since I don't want to mess this up.  Would you be able to tell me what variables beyond where I am at to uncomment.  Here is a link of the video I am watching if it would help you to see what I am following just in case this guy is leading me into a disaster.  Thanks!

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Publicado em de Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg

Paul one more question too for you.  Do you normally put PHP on your regular Windows systems for development, etc?  Was just curious that if I learn how PHP really works would it possibly become useful on the machines where I am actually running Website X5 to build my sites.  I know that may sound like a dumb question but I am trying to see where it might benefit me for possible things I want to do.  Ultimately I need to make my small business website to show items and take an order and have the order become an email.  I am guessing that is how the form thing works for WEBsite X5.  I have not explored all the thing you can add to a site by obtaining credits.  Don't want to make this a lifetime ordeal, but certainly want to have as polished and presentable a site as possible.  I goota believe the community out threre has done some really neat stuff with this tool.  I will be thrilled o get this PHP thing working and get email capability.  One step at a time right?  Hopefully soon I will be able to stop buggin ya!  I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate all the assistance you have provided.  Also want to thank:  User for the tip on testing the SMTP connectivity!

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Publicado em de Garry Faegenburg
Paul M.
Paul M.

The recommended configuration for installation on Windows web servers can be found here, Garry:

It would be fine to keep default settings to begin with as PHP will soon complain if it doesn't have appropriate access to particular extensions, etc.

The only thing that the guy in your video appeared to uncomment was the MySQL extensions.  WebSite X5 does use MySQL databases, but MySQL is not part of the issues which you are currently trying to resolve.  It's extremely simple to go back at a later stage and edit the php.ini file as many times as you need to, so I wouldn't worry about it at all at this point.  Your choices in php.ini do not affect what gets loaded onto your server: they will only affect how PHP performs/runs and what commands it has access to.  Those choices are easily reversed or edited.

When running your own PHP installation you will quickly find that the error log becomes your best friend.  Keep a close eye on it and it in turn will help you to keep everything running sweet.

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Publicado em de Paul M.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Usuário do mês IT


scusa... ma non ho capito...
Sei in una intranet ?
O stai provando in locale il tuo sito web ?
Se il tuo sito è ospitato su un host esterno chiedi a loro di attivarti il PHP.
Era meglio avere il sito ospitato su Host Linux o Apache.
L'invio delle mail richiede il PHP , minimo versione 5.6, meglio se 7.x
Comunque per utilizzare in locale un sito web in tutte le sue funzionalità , ed in particolare l'invio mail , devi essere esperto.

Se stai solo facendo delle prove , ti consiglio di esportarlo online su un host gratuito...

Se stai facendo le prove in locale ti consiglio di installare Xampp o altri prodotti simili ... 

se metti qualche informazione in più è meglio , in ogni caso, come detto per gestire queste cose devi essere esperto , il programma Website non centra ...

Sorry, but I did not understand...
1) Are you in an intranet?
2) Or are you testing your website locally?
If your site is hosted on an external host, ask them to activate PHP.
It was better to have the site hosted on Host Linux or Apache.
Sending emails requires PHP, minimum version 5.6, better if 7.x
In any case, to use a website in all its features, and in particular to send mail, you must be an expert.

If you're just testing, I suggest you export it online to a free host ...

If you are doing the tests locally I suggest you install Xampp or similar products ...

if you put some more information it is better, in any case, as said to manage these things you must be an expert, the Website program does not center ...

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Sorry, I only just noticed your most recent question after posting my last answer, Garry.

Yes, if you are a developer it's quite common to have PHP on a Windows PC or workstation, and personally I have that sort of setup.  You are correct in that it does teach you a lot.  However, it's not really necessary when building and working with WebSite X5 websites.  WebSite X5 abstracts a great deal away from the user and there really is no need to ever 'get your hands dirty' with PHP under the hood when building websites with it.

If you want to do more advanced things then that, of course, is different.  But there is an awful lot that WebSite X5 can do to give you a highly polished, fully featured site, without resorting to manual coding.

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Publicado em de Paul M.
Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg

Paul, thanks much and we are almost there dude.  I have done a send from the formon my website and bingo, NO ERRORS, but next question is:  did it actually send an SMTP email like I have configured it to?  I KNOW I am probably needing to do something more before it really works, but this is MAJOR progress.  However, I still am unable to get this darn Control Panel thing worked out.  i keep getting Invalid User Nme o Passwod.  I dearly want to see this thing so I can take advantage of what it will do for me.  I have tried my website url with /admin at the end and without, makes no difference.  The add still fails.  I am trying to use the stock admin user id that is set up in Access management, and I KNOW I am keying the password correctly, even though I am half blind!  What in the heck am i doin wrong here.  But man I learned so mch today thanks to you!

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Publicado em de Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg
Garry Faegenburg

Oh and I forgot to ask, are you over there across the pond as we say here in the US?  Do you have a PayPal account?  I would like to send you a donation so you buy a pint at he pub on me for all your help!

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Publicado em de Garry Faegenburg
Paul M.
Paul M.

If you can get to the control panel login screen and attempt to log in (which you obviously can now) then the PHP side is up and running OK, so we can rule that out.

Strange as it may seem, the error message will be spot on.  The credentials you are currently using must not be quite right.

I'm sure you already know this, but be careful with zeros and letter O, ones and letter I, etc.  -  and double-check that Caps Lock is off.

You can also try creating a brand new administrator username and corresponding password...  then try logging in with that.

From the official help file:

How to define access parameters for the Administrator

WebSite X5 lets you manage not only user profiles, but also those of the Administrators. By default, an Administrator group already exists, and it contains one Admin user.

To change the name and access credentials of the Admin administrator, select the name in the Groups and Users with priority access list and click on the Edit... button to open the User Settings window.

To create new administrator profiles, select the Administrator Group and click on the New User button to open the User Settings window, and add the necessary information.

Unlike ordinary Users, the Administrators have access to all the Locked pages in the website. With the same credentials, they can access the online Control Panel  and, if they are using the Pro edition, the WebSite X5 Manager app. The administrators can use the online Control Panel and/or the app to manage various aspects of the website, depending on the features that have been included in it. These could be, for example, website hit statistics, Blog and Comments and Ratings Object comments,  user registration, orders and stock levels.

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Publicado em de Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

That's really kind of you, Garry, and the gesture is much appreciated...  but please, rest assured we are all more than happy to help.  Advice and assistance freely given, and if any of it is useful then so much the better, and that gives us all a kind of warm glow inside!

But enjoy your next drink at your local, and good luck and all the very best with your new website!

Oh, and I am across the pond, by the way!

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Publicado em de Paul M.