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Masoud M.
Masoud M.

Meerdere malen van versturing mail bevestiging betaling van multisafepay  nl

Autor: Masoud M.
Visitado 2019, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

ik gebruik bijna 2 jaar multisafepay voor de betaling en vanaf het begin had ik probleem tot nu toe.

de probleem is dat als de klant een bestelling uitvoert als bevestiging van betaling krijgt de klant meerdere keren dezelfde mail, 7 à 8 of meerdere keren . soms gebeurt dit ook dat klant zelfs na een week ook dit mail krijgt. ik heb dit probleem niet met paypal of andere, enkel met de multisafepay . De rest van bevestigingen zoals annulatie bevestiging of registratie bevestiging, .... heb ik dat probleem niet , enkel de betalingbevestiging. Ik heb ook contact genomen met multisafepay, en langs hun is dit niet mogelijk voor aanpassingen.

met dank 

Publicado em
Masoud M.
Masoud M.

Hierbij stuur ik een model van een bevestigings mail ook door.

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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Masoud M.
Masoud M.

Is er iemand die me echt kan helpen met dit probleem? 

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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Stefano G.

Hello Masoud

If I understand correctly, when I perform an order on your website, even if I don't proceed to the payment, I will immediately receive several copies of the same email. Is this correct?

Can I test this on your website? Will I be able to experience this if I place a test order?

Can you please let me know the URL of your website here so that I might test it for you?

Thank you



Hallo Masoud

Als ik het goed begrijp, zal ik bij het plaatsen van een bestelling op uw website, zelfs als ik niet doorga met de betaling, onmiddellijk meerdere exemplaren van dezelfde e-mail ontvangen. Is dit correct?

Kan ik dit testen op jullie website? Zal ik dit kunnen ervaren als ik een testbestelling plaats?

Kunt u mij de URL van uw website hier laten weten, zodat ik deze voor u kan testen?

Dank u


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Masoud M.
Masoud M.

thank you for your reaction, no, if the customer carries out an order, and the payment is ok, the customer will receive a confirmation e-mail several times, but if the payment does not proceed, the customer will only receive an e-mail. and it's okay.

and I only have that problem with the multisafepay( bancontact,and creditcard,)  this problem is only with multisafepay.

and I do not have that problem with paypal, and with a bank transfer.

is the URL of our website : 

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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Stefano G.

Hello Masoud

Can you please open up the software and show me how this part of the Shopping cart is configured?

Technically, the software should not be able to know when the payment was successful and when it isn't. Are you sending the confirmation email manually from the Admin panel or is this all automatic?

Keep me posted here

Thank you



Hallo Masoud

Kunt u de software openen en me laten zien hoe dit deel van de winkelwagen is geconfigureerd?

Technisch gezien zou de software niet moeten kunnen weten wanneer de betaling is gelukt en wanneer dit niet het geval is. Verstuurt u de bevestigingsmail handmatig vanuit het beheerdersdashboard of is dit allemaal automatisch?

Houd me hier op de hoogte

Dank u


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Masoud M.
Masoud M.

Hallo Stefano

the confirmation e-mail is all automatically sent to the customers, I will not send anything myself, otherwise you can give your e-mail address, then I order something from my website with your e-mail address for the test, so you can see that there are several e-mails to sent to you.

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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Stefano G.

Hello Masoud

Thank you for the clarification

This situation seems very peculiar due to how the software works by design. 

I'm obligated to ask you to please provide one more piece of information for me to analyze the issue correctly. You need to record a short video of the entire process. Record the screen as you perform order and pay for it. Then, record the part where you open the email and find multiple emails there

With this, I will be able to report the situation correctly. Please let me know if this is possible for you

Keep me posted here

Thank you


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Masoud M.
Masoud M.


I have put a full movie in youtube, below you can open the link of the youtube, and watch it, immediately 3 mails were sent, a few minutes later it still sends, but I have also heard from my customers that sometimes after a week he still sends an email to the customer.

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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Stefano G.

Hello Masoud

I've forwarded the project to the developers so that further investigation can be performed by them directly for you

Please wait a while until the investigation is done and an official answer is available

I will inform you here as soon as possible

Thank you


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Masoud M.
Masoud M.

NL :

Beste Stefano

Hebt u een oplossing kunnen vinden inverband met mijn probleem ? 

Ik heb ondertussen een nieuwe probleem, de klanten als ze iets bestellen en de betaling is niet correct verloopt dan nog krijgt de klant dat we de betaling goed ontvangen hebben , en de verwerking zal verder lopen.

kunt u hiermee kunnen helpen .


Dear Stefano

Were you able to find a solution to my problem?

In the meantime I have a new problem, the customers if they order something and the payment is not correct, the customer will still receive that we have received the payment correctly, and the processing will continue.

can help you with this.

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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Stefano G.

Hello Masoud

Is the issue also related to Multisafepay only or does this happen with any system?

I must confirm that the issue is currently still being verified. Since the situation is very particular and doesn't seem to affect any other user, it might take a while to get a complete analysis

I will inform you here as soon as news on this becomes available

Thank you


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Masoud M.
Masoud M.

hallo Stefano
Ik heb inderdaad dit probleem enkel met de Multisafepay.


hello Stefano Indeed, I only have this problem with the Multisafepay.

Thank you 


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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Stefano G.

Hello Masoud

I've received news from the developers who are in need of more information on the issue

First of all, can you confirm that the content of these 3 emails is exactly the same?

Secondly, can you contact your hosting provider's support team and ask them to provide a copy of every log of the server? Both Access log and Error log. Send those to me for verification

Thank you


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Masoud M.
Masoud M.

Dear Stefano
I have discussed with my hosting provider about my problem, and according to them the logs I sent to them have no effect on solving my problem. This is the answer I got from them :

Hi Masoud,

Greetings from!

We have revisited your concern and that upon checking, we regret to say that per the pre-information you have shared, Access logs won't be of any help for this. However, in order for us to identify the issues further, can you provide us the complete details on the issues that you're getting so we can advise you further?

We will wait for your response.

Let us know if you require additional information and thank you for giving us the opportunity to assist you.
Should issues arise, never hesitate to reach us out via email or 24/7 LiveChat.

Best Regards,

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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Stefano G.

Hello Masoud

Perhaps I didn't explain myself properly. We need the access log from the server. It is not you that need to send it to them. Can you send those over to me here?

Also, the support team seems to be asking for you to explain the issue you're having. I believe you can simply indicate to them that a certain email is being sent three times. The email is sent when Multisafepays contacts your website and orders it to send those out, so it must mean that for some reason, the emails are being created 3 times

Please inform the hosting of this information and keep me posted here

Thank you


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Masoud M.
Masoud M.


I just don't understand what you mean about access log, do you mean that I have to give you the login account and the password of my server or do you mean something else?


Ik begrijp u juist niet wat u bedoelt van toegangslogboek, wilt u bedoelen dat ik de inlog gegevens plus de password van mijn server aan u moet geven of bedoelt u iets anders?

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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Stefano G.

Hello Masoud

No I mean what servers call "Access Log". Just like servers have "Error logs" they also have "Access logs". Please forward this information to the server support directly. They should be able to identify the exact information we need and send it over to you

Keep me posted here after

Thank you



Hallo Masoud

Nee, ik bedoel wat servers "Access Log" noemen. Net zoals servers "Error logs" hebben, hebben ze ook "Access logs". Stuur deze informatie a.u.b. rechtstreeks door naar de serverondersteuning. Ze moeten in staat zijn om de exacte informatie die we nodig hebben te identificeren en deze naar u te sturen

Houd me hierna op de hoogte

Dank u


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Masoud M.
Masoud M.

HIi Stefano

they send me another email:

Hi there,

Greetings from

We have just received an update from our Technicians. They have checked the logs and the order confirmation emails were indeed being sent multiple times (twice or thrice). Since your Webshop is from an external provider, they have advised you to contact the developers instead so that they can check whether there's a code that needs to be updated or such.

Support link:

For further inquiries, please feel free to reply to this email ticket or contact us on chat if you have any clarifications or questions.  Have a nice day!


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Publicado em de Masoud M.
Stefano G.

Hello Masoud

Thank you for the information

I've forwarded this new information to the developers to verified

I will keep you posted here as soon as news on this becomes available

Thank you



Hallo Masoud

Bedankt voor de informatie

Ik heb deze nieuwe informatie doorgestuurd naar de ontwikkelaars om te verifiëren

Ik hou je hier op de hoogte zodra er nieuws hierover beschikbaar is

Dank u


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Publicado em de Stefano G.