Ctrl plus file open for classic explorer 
Autor: Esahc ..Users are being advised to use CTRL+file open in order to speed up display of available files (eg https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/pt/post/251751).
This works for some objects but when attempting to attach a link to text this results in an unuseable file browser window.
Incomedia, in versions prior to v2022.2, left click file open and CTRL+left click file open seemed to have the same functionality
In the current version CTRL+left click results in
As a result no files can be found because no file type matches (*.)
EDIT: *. will display only folders and files without a type, the default should be *.*
This post was originally at the end of https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/pt/post/251661 but I suspect that because the post was marked as solved (I advised not to use CTRL key) you may not be aware that this is a problem.
Toujours meme remarque.
ni tests ni abouti, mais on sort la version juste pour les $$$$
les utilisateurs attendront ....
Axel, I and many others tested the beta (and I assume you did as well). I know from the notifications I received that of primary concern was the speed with which the new file menu opened both initially and after repeated openings (where the content was hopefully cached). I would be surprised if efforts to speed this aspect were not proceeding and perhaps this is where the ctrl+file open option came from, but unfortunately I was not aware it even existed during beta (it was never mentioned in english discussions) so did not see the faulty result.
It would be nice if Incomedia could make it easy to read all comments in all languages or provide a curated list of "issues" and undocumented features so that in future beta testing we can be aware of all the facts and options.
I agree with your point that after each new release we become aware of "gliches", I am not aware of any software company that does not also struggle with this issue.
Hello Esahc
Thank you for the detailed explanation. I've notified the developers of the issue so that it might be solved