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Nicole B.
Nicole B.

Disappearing form field  en

Autor: Nicole B.
Visitado 605, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

I have a registration form, all looks good but the field that says select 4 and under disappears. I even remove extra fields thinking that might be the problem but it isnt.  Can someone tell me why the data is not staying in the field.  I have deleted and added the field back.  No matter what i do, the field data deletes

Publicado em
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Usuário do mês EN

The problem could possibly be related to the update to version 2023.3.7.

The new version of WebSiteX5 behaves a bit strangely for me. In my tests with 2-line navigation, the 2nd line was briefly visible in the preview and then suddenly disappeared after a few seconds, similar to the number in the input field on your website.

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Publicado em de Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Usuário do mês EN

Maybe test the form page in the WebSiteX5 preview to see if the problem occurs there.

Keep trying until the problem no longer occurs. Then it should also have disappeared from the website.

On my test page there are no longer any problems with the 2nd line of menu items in the preview.

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Publicado em de Daniel W.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.

It does occur on the test page in x5...

So remove it and add it back? So is this a bug?

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Publicado em de Nicole B.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Usuário do mês EN

You can duplicate the original project and test the contact form with the copy of the original project.



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Publicado em de Daniel W.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.

arrgghh i duplicated and the field still disappears...i added a 4 column and the data stays in the column for the 4 column data disappears in the 3rd.  I deleted the 3rd column so that the 4th becomes 3rd and it still deletes. It doesnt not like the 3rd field.  

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Publicado em de Nicole B.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.

so you think my form got corrupted?

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Publicado em de Nicole B.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.

I deleted the form and start over and it is working now. I have no idea why that field got  corrupted

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Publicado em de Nicole B.