Ftp_getcurrentdirectory Error 
Autor: Georgi Milchev
Visitado 3444,
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Hello Incomedia
I have a problem.
I use Website X5 v.8 two years with configuration Windows 7 / 32 bit and I had no problems with uploading on server but I upgrade my PC (hardware and software) with Windows 7 64 bit and now I can't upload on server.There is message "FTP_GetCurrentDirectory". Screenshot in attachement.
- I back my old PC configuration-still same.
- I called of my hosting provider-there is ok.
- I tryed Website X5 v.9 free edition-still same.
- I configurated FTP options in Windows - still same.
Please help.
Best regards.
Publicado em
not trying to hijack this post but i noticed if you cancel the FTP upload and click back and then try and re-upload it seems it wont let you and reports an error.
to be honest the one thing that should work without any problems is the FTP engine to upload everything because without this we cant publish our sites.
I tryed to upload and with other FTP klient but still same.
you cant upload anything made with X5 using an external client, you have to use the one thats built in.
Not possible to upload with build in and with external ftp klient. Open attachment in my first message.
only thing i can think might cause that is that the destination folder in the optional parameters is wrong.
some webspace has default folders for websites, one one of the servers i use i just leave that bit empty but on another i have to put /public_html.
check what the default folder is on the server you use.
btw if you cant upload with an external ftp client then its going to be a problem with your server.
you might want to contact them again.
how long have you had the domain name and webspace ?
Domain and webspace are of 2 years.
I called of hosting provider 2 times and they tryed to upload of my hostingspace without problem.
that pretty much just leaves your firewall then, you might want to check to see if X5 has been blocked for some reason.
I had a similar problem, but it was my fault, I was trying to send it to a non existant folder on my server.
Problem solved by typing in the correct dir, which does have to already exist, folders should all be in lower case letters too so watch that.
I switched on and off my firewall but not helped.
I tryed to upload with X5 version 8 and 9 and still same.
In my hosting provider everything is ok
I don't understand where is the problem
This is very strange.
I have not changed my ftp server data and password and path.
V9 sets port 21 as default port. Is that setting correct, for your server ? If not, you can change it.
I thing the problem is solved.
Now I called my internet provider and they told me that the problem is on their side and they will fix it later.
Thank you guys
Remember this error message.This is problem on your internet provider "FTP_GetCurrentDirectory"
Now is working.
Thank of everyone.
Entro via ftp a la carpeta del servidor y todo funciona bien.
El website v9 es el que no puede exportar los datos y reporta el siguiente error.
Da un mensaje sobre la hora, no entiendo este mensaje, quizas sirva para ver la ultima actualizacion.
Necesito ayuda.
Cuando intento publicar el mismo contenido con la version 8 funciona y con la 9 no.
En el mismo servidor y desde el mismo PC.
Utilizo windows vista 64 bits.
Me da la sensacion de que el problema reside en la version 9.
Entra en modo pasivo por defecto como bien dice la ayuda, pero no se puede desactivar el modo pasivo.
Estoy seguro que es un error de la version 9.
Agradeceria saber que es lo que sube exactamente la version 9 para subirlo copiando y pegando.
Me urge mucho saber la respuesta o como comunicar con incomedia para ver que solucion tiene este problema.
El problema es que no se puede desactivar el modo pasivo del FTP.
Al activarlo y desactivarlo la version 9 hace exactamente lo mismo.
Me parece un autentico desastre cuando contactas con incomedia y te dice que no utilices el correo para contactar con ellos.
Como un fabricante de software puede, cuando se presenta un problema en lugar de responderte, mandarte a la comunidad de usuarios.
Me parece increible. No le compro el programa a la comunidad de usuarios, creo que incomedia deberia darme una respuesta.
Parece un problema de la version 9. Necesito una respuesta urgente para resolver el problema.
. . . y que pasa en cuando
-> aranques x5 con boton derecha -> modo admin . . .
el antivirus o firewall tambien puede afectar en la versión 64 bits . . .
Desde incomedia saben que es un error del programa y me han comentado que lo arreglaran en la próxima actualización.
Ya está solucionado.