WebSite X5Help Center

Christian H.
Christian H.

How do i post a question?  en

Autor: Christian H.
Visitado 1833, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  
Tags: poor,program

How can I get into contact with your office?

I want to tell you about my many problems using x5 ver. 10 and my frustrations about having spend almost 100 $ purchasing the program! I find it very difficult to use, but foremost I find it rediculous that there is no direct contact link, instead of only this forum.

Once I had build my website in x5 I took A LONG time getting help in publishing it to my internet providers server. When I finally succeed it turned out that it didn't come out with the german letters as intended. I tried to get help on this issue, but you didn't succeed.

Finaly I gave up! Didn't want to spend so much effort with a program that clearly doesn't have a good and quick customer support.

Now I use a free program ( that works wonderful and with no flaws what so ever.

I'm sorry about this, but I have lost 100 $ in vain.

Included my buy also where WebHosting (first year free i believe). Will you please tell these people that I want that service cancelled. Thanks.

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Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

Dein Umlaut Problem lag nur an deinem Webspace. Da hat das Programm kein Problem damit.

Wenn dein Webspace Anbieter eine iso codierung eingestellt hat aber deine Seiten utf-8 codiert sind kommt es zu solchen falschdarstellungen...

Da genügt ein Eintrag in der htaccess um dies zu ändern. Ein Kontakt mit deinem Webspace Anbieter sollte dazu auch ausreichen um zu erfahren wie du das umstellen kannst.

Wie sollten wohl die ganzen anderen deutschen ihre Seite online stellen?

Direkten Kontakt kannst du auch hier erhalten in dem du deine Frage als privat stellst so können sie nicht die anderen Benutzer lesen und du kannst deinem Unmut freien Lauf lassen.

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Publicado em de Der Zwoemti