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Frank Unterstab
Frank Unterstab

Php code in heading of page  en

Автор: Frank Unterstab
Просмотрено 21002, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hey folks,

I want to configure the titel of my pages in website X5 dynamicly. So I defined the variable $seitenname in a script in the header.

Now I want to include it in the extended header in Website like <?php echo $seitenname; ?>

How can I tell the editor, not to replace the < and > into &gt; and deal with it as code?

4 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Claudio D.

Hello Frank,

You can add the code in step 1 - general settings in the Expert section.

If you add the code there it will be run as code and not changed by the editor.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Frank Unterstab
Frank Unterstab

Well, but I want WebsiteX5 to display the titel like it is in my string. What is the escape-string, to make WebsiteX5 not to replace > into &gt; ??

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Размещено От Frank Unterstab
Claudio D.

Hello Frank,

If you add the code in the fields for HTML code like in the exprt section in step 1 or in an HTML&Widget Object > will not be replaced with &gt;

If it has to appear as title. You cannot add in in the field for the title in the program but edit the page after you exported it.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Frank Unterstab
Frank Unterstab

thats what I did so far. a bit unconvenient, but anyway. Thanks.

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Размещено От Frank Unterstab